Dear Experts,
I have a simple question.
In verilog (2001) I use:
vector[WITH:0] = ~0 ;
to set all bits of a vector to 1.
This works fine in verilog for my RTL simulation.
But can I be sure that all nice syntheis and formal verifier tools
from big vendors like Synopsys and Cadence do understand this well ?
Does anybody have successfully used in some project ?
Thanks a lot for your feedback
I have a simple question.
In verilog (2001) I use:
vector[WITH:0] = ~0 ;
to set all bits of a vector to 1.
This works fine in verilog for my RTL simulation.
But can I be sure that all nice syntheis and formal verifier tools
from big vendors like Synopsys and Cadence do understand this well ?
Does anybody have successfully used in some project ?
Thanks a lot for your feedback