verilog adders (verilog optimization)

I had assumed Verilog would collapse constants, but I wonder if that
always trued/allowed?

If I have something like
reg [7:0] sig1, sig2, sig3;

always @ *
sig3 = 1 + 2 + 3 + sig1 + sig2 + 4;

There must be at least 2 adders. Is Verilog required to produce 3

The code can easily be collapsed to
sig3 = 6 + sig1 + sig2 + 4;

Verilog evaluates left to right, so this becomes
sig3 = ( (6 + sig1) + sig2) + 4;

This requires 3 adders. Is it legal for Verilog to compile the
original code to:
sig3 = 10 + sig1 + sig2;



John Providenza
Most synthesis tools will take advantage of associative and
commutative properties of expressions in order to produce an optimal
implementation. If they don't, I don't use them very long.

On Aug 29, 7:03 am, Andy <> wrote:
Most synthesis tools will take advantage of associative and
commutative properties of expressions in order to produce an optimal
implementation. If they don't, I don't use them very long.

For grins, I created a very simple test case and synthesized it
using the Xilinx XST synthesizer. Here's the code:

module test (
input clk,
input [7:0] a, b,

output reg [7:0] z

reg [7:0] a1, b1, z1;

always @(posedge clk)
a1 <= a;
b1 <= b;
z <= z1;

always @ *
z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + a1 + b1 + 4;

Guess what? 3 adders. If I reorder the arithmetic to be
z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + a1 + b1;
then I get 2 adders.

John Providenza wrote:

Guess what? 3 adders. If I reorder the arithmetic to be
z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + a1 + b1;
then I get 2 adders.
Try finishing the synthesis and compare LUTs and Flops.
Some reductions happen on the back-end.

-- Mike Treseler
On Aug 29, 7:38 am, wrote:
For grins, I created a very simple test case and synthesized it
using the Xilinx XST synthesizer.  Here's the code:

always @ *
    z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + a1 + b1 + 4;

Guess what?  3 adders.   If I reorder the arithmetic to be
    z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 +  4 + a1 + b1;
then I get 2 adders.

John Providenza
Different synthesizers will produce different results. 20 years ago,
you might be hard pressed to find a Verilog synthesizer that wasn't
order-dependent but things are better now. The Xilinx XST has become
a respectable synthesizer but I still wouldn't call it a "world class"
synthesis engine. For a free tool, it's great.

A better synthesizer *might* produce repeatible results with minimal
logic. I don't think algebraic optimization is high on any
synthesizer's feature list, though, such that even exceptional logic
synthesizers might stumble on some simple arithmatic.

I'd personally love to see more work on algebraic optimization but I'm
not holding my breath.

- John_H
z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + a1 + b1 + 4;
Cell Usage :
# BELS : 35
# GND : 1
# LUT1 : 1
# LUT2 : 7
# LUT3 : 1
# LUT4 : 7
# LUT5 : 1
# LUT6 : 1
# MUXCY : 7
# VCC : 1
# XORCY : 8
# FlipFlops/Latches : 24
# FD : 23
# FDR : 1


z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + a1 + b1;
Cell Usage :
# BELS : 29
# GND : 1
# LUT1 : 1
# LUT2 : 6
# LUT4 : 6
# MUXCY : 7
# XORCY : 8
# FlipFlops/Latches : 24
# FD : 24


John Providenza
That's interesting. The fact that each design has 8 XORCYs leads me to
believe that there are only two adders, but I'm not sure why the LUT
count differs. It seems like there are only 8 LUTs needed--an 8-bit
adder (with truncated 8-bit output) should require only 4 LUTs and 4
XORCYs--so I don't know why there would be 13 and 18 LUTs used. Did you
look at the technology schematic?
-Kevin wrote:

Here's the XST synthesis data for the two cases. It sure looks to
me like there's extra logic.
Sure enough.
Thanks for trying it, and for reporting results.
Consider submitting the case with Xilinx
since you have all the data.

I agree that XST is not well know as a state-of-the-art, super-duper,
terrific, knock-your-socks-off synthesizer, but it is a data point.
Well, you have proven your point.
The synthesis front-end should be
smart enough to collect constants.

On the other hand, most designers
would do something like:
parameter sum = 1+2+3+4;

-- Mike Treseler
On Aug 29, 9:54 am, Mike Treseler <> wrote: wrote:
Guess what?  3 adders.   If I reorder the arithmetic to be
    z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 +  4 + a1 + b1;
then I get 2 adders.

Try finishing the synthesis and compare LUTs and Flops.
Some reductions happen on the back-end.

     -- Mike Treseler
Here's the XST synthesis data for the two cases. It sure looks to
me like there's extra logic.

I agree that XST is not well know as a state-of-the-art, super-duper,
terrific, knock-your-socks-off synthesizer, but it is a data point.

z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + a1 + b1 + 4;
Cell Usage :
# BELS : 35
# GND : 1
# LUT1 : 1
# LUT2 : 7
# LUT3 : 1
# LUT4 : 7
# LUT5 : 1
# LUT6 : 1
# MUXCY : 7
# VCC : 1
# XORCY : 8
# FlipFlops/Latches : 24
# FD : 23
# FDR : 1


z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + a1 + b1;
Cell Usage :
# BELS : 29
# GND : 1
# LUT1 : 1
# LUT2 : 6
# LUT4 : 6
# MUXCY : 7
# XORCY : 8
# FlipFlops/Latches : 24
# FD : 24


John Providenza
On Aug 29, 11:43 am, Kevin Neilson
<> wrote:
    z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + a1 + b1 + 4;
Cell Usage :
# BELS                             : 35
#      GND                         : 1
#      LUT1                        : 1
#      LUT2                        : 7
#      LUT3                        : 1
#      LUT4                        : 7
#      LUT5                        : 1
#      LUT6                        : 1
#      MUXCY                       : 7
#      VCC                         : 1
#      XORCY                       : 8
# FlipFlops/Latches                : 24
#      FD                          : 23
#      FDR                         : 1

LUTS    18

    z1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + a1 + b1;
Cell Usage :
# BELS                             : 29
#      GND                         : 1
#      LUT1                        : 1
#      LUT2                        : 6
#      LUT4                        : 6
#      MUXCY                       : 7
#      XORCY                       : 8
# FlipFlops/Latches                : 24
#      FD                          : 24

LUTS    13

John Providenza

That's interesting.  The fact that each design has 8 XORCYs leads me to
believe that there are only two adders, but I'm not sure why the LUT
count differs.  It seems like there are only 8 LUTs needed--an 8-bit
adder (with truncated 8-bit output) should require only 4 LUTs and 4
XORCYs--so I don't know why there would be 13 and 18 LUTs used.  Did you
look at the technology schematic?
I did not look in any detail. At some point, each synthesizer will
"do its own thing",
so I don't really care about the very low level details. The
schematics showed
3 adders, 2 of them had constants as inputs.

I'm curious as to
a) does Verilog some how require this?
b) what do some other synthesizers do?

John Providenza wrote:

I'm curious as to
a) does Verilog some how require this?
I don't see how.
Both cases sim the same.

b) what do some other synthesizers do?
Quartus does about the same thing.
3 then 2 adders at the rtl level for the same cases
and a few extra LUTs for the 3 counter case.

-- Mike Treseler
On Tue, 2 Sep 2008 08:27:10 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

So, if A is constant 3 and C is constant 1, does the language *spec*
prevent Verilog from combining the two constants?
I don't believe so. Context-dependent operands of an
arithmetic expression (as are all operands of +, - etc)
are first widened to the context width, BEFORE any
arithmetic is done. Consequently, the order in which
addition-like operations are performed is unimportant,
because everything is done in the same bit-width.

I'm pretty sure (though I haven't yet proved it to my
own satisfaction) that multiplication can similarly be
rearranged algebraically, along with addition and
subtraction, without any effect on the results. But
division, with its potential loss of LSBs, will surely
exhibit some order dependences that would mess up
algebraic rearrangement.
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * e * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Project Services

Doulos Ltd., 22 Market Place, Ringwood, BH24 1AW, UK

The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.
On Aug 29, 6:29 pm, Mike Treseler <> wrote: wrote:
I'm curious as to
a) does Verilog some how require this?

I don't see how.
Both cases sim the same.

b) what do some other synthesizers do?

Quartus does about the same thing.
3 then 2 adders at the rtl level for the same cases
and a few extra LUTs for the 3 counter case.

     -- Mike Treseler
Synplify Pro implements exactly the same thing for both orders (in
vhdl). 12 luts (Xilinx v4). RTL viewer shows three input adder (a1 +
b1 + 10) for both.

As it should be...

On Tue, 02 Sep 2008 17:27:57 +0100, Jonathan Bromley
<> wrote:

On Tue, 2 Sep 2008 08:27:10 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

So, if A is constant 3 and C is constant 1, does the language *spec*
prevent Verilog from combining the two constants?

I'm pretty sure (though I haven't yet proved it to my
own satisfaction) that multiplication can similarly be
rearranged algebraically, along with addition and
subtraction, without any effect on the results.
I don't think this is true when you say "along with addition and
subtraction". Multiplication (& division) has higher precedence than
addition & subtraction so you can't re-arrange it with them. A + B + C
might give the same result whether you calculate (A+B)+C or even
(A+C)+B but this is certainly not true A + B*C. Because of precedence
rules this has to be implemented as A + (B*C) and can't be done as

Muzaffer Kal
On Tue, 02 Sep 2008 10:01:09 -0700, Muzaffer Kal wrote:

On Tue, 02 Sep 2008 17:27:57 +0100, Jonathan Bromley> wrote:

I'm pretty sure (though I haven't yet proved it to my
own satisfaction) that multiplication can similarly be
rearranged algebraically, along with addition and
subtraction, without any effect on the results.

I don't think this is true when you say "along with addition and
subtraction". Multiplication (& division) has higher precedence than
addition & subtraction so you can't re-arrange it with them.
No, for sure; that's why I said "rearranged algebraically".
I was thinking of rearrangements such as

A*B + A*C === A*(B+C)

which can often save hardware - in this case, one
multiplier saved with no other cost.

I don't know how effectively the existing synthesis tools
do that kind of thing, though.
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * e * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Project Services

Doulos Ltd., 22 Market Place, Ringwood, BH24 1AW, UK

The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.
On Sep 2, 7:48 am, Andy <> wrote:
On Aug 29, 6:29 pm, Mike Treseler <> wrote: wrote:
I'm curious as to
a) does Verilog some how require this?

I don't see how.
Both cases sim the same.

b) what do some other synthesizers do?

Quartus does about the same thing.
3 then 2 adders at the rtl level for the same cases
and a few extra LUTs for the 3 counter case.

     -- Mike Treseler

Synplify Pro implements exactly the same thing for both orders (in
vhdl). 12 luts (Xilinx v4). RTL viewer shows three input adder (a1 +
b1 + 10) for both.

As it should be...

Andy -

My question is specific to Verilog, I don't know what the VHDL
spec requires. From a Verilog LRM:

All operators shall associate left to right with the exception of
conditional operator, which shall associate right to left.
refers to the order in which the operators having the same
are evaluated.

Thus, in the following example B is added to A and then C is
from the result of A+B.
A + B - C

So, if A is constant 3 and C is constant 1, does the language *spec*
Verilog from combining the two constants?

John Providenza
Jonathan Bromley wrote:

No, for sure; that's why I said "rearranged algebraically".
I was thinking of rearrangements such as

A*B + A*C === A*(B+C)

which can often save hardware - in this case, one
multiplier saved with no other cost.

I don't know how effectively the existing synthesis tools
do that kind of thing, though.
Since brand A+X can't even collect constants,
I would try this experiment on Synplify Pro or Mentor.

-- Mike Treseler
Andy wrote:

Synplify Pro implements exactly the same thing for both orders (in
vhdl). 12 luts (Xilinx v4). RTL viewer shows three input adder (a1 +
b1 + 10) for both.

As it should be...
Indeed. Thanks for posting the results.

-- Mike Treseler wrote:

Yes, thank for posting the info, but I believe it is for VHDL.
I synthesized *your* verilog example.

My original
question was "does the Verilog language specifically forbid merging
the constants" as opoosed to "how good is your synthesis tool".
The answers were NO, NO, and NO, before
the discussion strayed.
This happens sometimes on usenet.

-- Mike Treseler
IINM, VHDL has the same left to right evaluation requirements among
equal-precedence arithmetic operators IN SIMULATION as Verilog has.
But we are not talking about a simulation, we are talking about
synthesis. With equal precedence arithmetic operators that do not have
"side effects," order of execution is unobservable (has no external
effect), but amongst those that do have side effects (most commonly
encountered with function calls and logical operators), order is

For synthesis, the execution order rules for simulation do not always
have any meaning. If the results are always equivalent between the LRM
execution ordering and the implementation ordering, it is by
definition legal synthesis. In this context, equivalence is evaluated
at register/IO boundaries, not intermediate expressions or even
assignments. That's why they call it Register Transfer Logic (or

Restraining the synthesized implementation to maintain the same order
of operations, for no other reason than matching the execution order
from simulation, would eliminate a whole host of beneficial
optimizations. We would then be forced to write code that explicitly
describes an optimal (our choice, not the tool's) implementation. And
register re-timing would be absolutely forbidden.

On Sep 2, 11:24 am, Mike Treseler <> wrote:
Andy wrote:
Synplify Pro implements exactly the same thing for both orders (in
vhdl). 12 luts (Xilinx v4). RTL viewer shows three input adder (a1 +
b1 + 10) for both.

As it should be...

Indeed. Thanks for posting the results.

      -- Mike Treseler
Yes, thank for posting the info, but I believe it is for VHDL. My
question was "does the Verilog language specifically forbid merging
constants" as opoosed to "how good is your synthesis tool".

John Providenza

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