velocity: multiple identical partitions


Dennis Blau

Hi all,

I'm building a design with several instances of a rather complex block.
I'd like to synthesize this block only once and re-use it afterwards, if
possible with identical layout.
I could probably go and make a DEF out of the block, but as I understand,
timing information from within the block would be lost in this step.

So I'm looking instead to make the block a partition, and place this
partition several times. So far I didn't manage to do this. I've searched
the web and found, that the concept seems to be calles "clones", but no
futher information how to do it precisely.

Has somebody done this before and can post a sequence of commands to run?

I think I found the root of the problem it's RC that does not produce
identical instances.
I have a generate block to create 16 instances, and they are represented
as module Block, module Block_1, etc. in the file I pass on to velocity.
The content of the blocks is identical, and when I replace the instances
with Block only, I get clones in velocity following the recommended flow.

So the question is now: How to I tell rc not to create the multiple


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