Veilog Design Question

Ron Dean wrote:
I am very new to Verilog. In searching Verilog sites on the net,
I keep reading statements indicating that verilog is modeling and
abstract designing. In the real world, can a spartan-3 starter-kit
be programed to do actual work? I.e. as an example: can I
program a spartan-3 unit to actually turn on a series of external
LEDs, each sequentlly after a time delay?
As the others have mentioned, this is of course possible - from my
limited understanding as a hobbyist not an engineer I would even say the
true raison d'etre of languages like Verilog is describing circuits that
can ultimately be implemented.

I am an EE, (graduated in
1973) I am just starting to look into this. Can anyone recomend
a good book on the subject?
A short introduction available on the Web is by Peter M. Nyasulu:

In my opinion it is absolutely great as an introduction - I designed a
simple 32bit stack CPU, VGA controller, PS2 Keyboard reader and some
control logic without ever reading a book about Verilog, mostly just
looking into the printout of the above text which always lies on my desk.
Its special quality is that it provides through its examples a
consistent code style which can be easily abstracted to build any
combinatorial or sequential circuit that is desired.

A good complement is the online-tutorial:

which provides information and examples where the above text ends.

Third, a website that is really great to learn Verilog and the general
FPGA design process applied to little projects

Finally I found reading MITs Open Course Ware EE 6.111 very enlightening
(the newer one of the two courses offered).


Jürgen Böhm
"At a time when so many scholars in the world are calculating, is it not
desirable that some, who can, dream ?" R. Thom
On 20 Feb., 16:04, "Ron Dean" <> wrote:

You could google for some hobby or example projects done with some
popular FPGA evaluation boards to learn from.

Depending on your ambition i would recommend looking at Systemverilog
from the start.

Choosing a "beginners" Book about Verilog/Systemverilog depends a bit
on how familiar you are with software programming (knowledge of C/C++
for example).
Yes, Verilog RTL is just an abstract way to express logic designs
without using schematics. Were you an EE major trained in digital
design or analog design? If you know how to make the circuit work with
discrete digital components (clocks, flip-flops, logic gates), then you
should be able to turn that design into Verilog (provided you don't use
cascaded inverters for delay, because most synthesis tools can't deal
with that).

I don't have a recommendation for books, but please don't buy the the
"Dummy's" or the "Teach yourself xxx in 30 days" books. There are so
many pitfalls in Verilog and I haven't seen any single book that covers
all of them.

I believe that no books can teach one Verilog without one playing with
an actual FPGA, but there are plenty of on-line tutorials to follow. If
you get the Spartan starter kit, it also comes with example codes.
These are good places to start.

I also recommend reading the papers from Cliff Cummings and Stuart
Sutherland. Both of them have their own websites and have plenty of
things to read. Sutherland has some nice Verilog cheatsheets:

There comes a time in the affairs of a man when he has to take the bull
by the tail and face the situation.
-- W.C. Fields

Ron Dean

I am very new to Verilog. In searching Verilog sites on the net,
I keep reading statements indicating that verilog is modeling and
abstract designing. In the real world, can a spartan-3 starter-kit
be programed to do actual work? I.e. as an example: can I
program a spartan-3 unit to actually turn on a series of external
LEDs, each sequentlly after a time delay? I am an EE, (graduated in
1973) I am just starting to look into this. Can anyone recomend
a good book on the subject?

Thanks in Advance,
"Jason Zheng" <> wrote in message
Yes, Verilog RTL is just an abstract way to express logic designs
without using schematics. Were you an EE major trained in digital
design or analog design?

Yes, I was an EE major. I was primarily dedicated, at the time, to
analogue design. I expected to work, for the local power company
and did work for eight years. There was a few chapters on
digital logic, but this was not my interest and I learned just enough
to get passing grades - to my later regret. I learned to program
Allen Bradly PLC's and I learned some digital logic virtually on my own.

If you know how to make the circuit work with
discrete digital components (clocks, flip-flops, logic gates), then you
should be able to turn that design into Verilog (provided you don't use
cascaded inverters for delay, because most synthesis tools can't deal
with that).

I have a fair understanding of this.

I don't have a recommendation for books, but please don't buy the the
"Dummy's" or the "Teach yourself xxx in 30 days" books. There are so
many pitfalls in Verilog and I haven't seen any single book that covers
all of them.

I believe that no books can teach one Verilog without one playing with
an actual FPGA, but there are plenty of on-line tutorials to follow. If
you get the Spartan starter kit, it also comes with example codes.
These are good places to start.

I also recommend reading the papers from Cliff Cummings and Stuart
Sutherland. Both of them have their own websites and have plenty of
things to read. Sutherland has some nice Verilog cheatsheets:

There comes a time in the affairs of a man when he has to take the bull
by the tail and face the situation.
-- W.C. Fields
this is krishna from Signarix iam wirte the code for spartan-3 starter
kit digital clock you know how to syntesis any query regarding vlsi
frontend plse mail


-- KCPSM3 reference design - Real Time Digital Clock and PCB monitor
with UART communications
-- Design provided for Spartan-3 Starter Board (rev E).
-- The design is set up for a 50MHz system clock and UART
communications rate of 9600 baud,
-- 8-bit, no parity.

-- Library declarations
-- Standard IEEE libraries
library IEEE;
-- The Unisim Library is used to define Xilinx primitives. It is also
used during
-- simulation. The source can be viewed at %XILINX%\vhdl\src\unisims
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity s3_clock_pcb_monitor is
Port ( tx : out std_logic;
rx : in std_logic;
switch : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
button : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
led : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
segment_a : out std_logic;
segment_b : out std_logic;
segment_c : out std_logic;
segment_d : out std_logic;
segment_e : out std_logic;
segment_f : out std_logic;
segment_g : out std_logic;
segment_dp : out std_logic;
digit_anode : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ram_addr : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
ram_a_data : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
ram_we : out std_logic;
ram_oe : out std_logic;
ram_a_ce : out std_logic;
ram_a_lb : out std_logic;
ram_a_ub : out std_logic;
ram_b_data : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
ram_b_ce : out std_logic;
ram_b_lb : out std_logic;
ram_b_ub : out std_logic;
din : in std_logic;
cclk : out std_logic;
reset_prom : out std_logic;
clk : in std_logic);
end s3_clock_pcb_monitor;
-- Start of test architecture
architecture Behavioral of s3_clock_pcb_monitor is
-- declaration of KCPSM3
component kcpsm3
Port ( address : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
instruction : in std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
port_id : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
write_strobe : out std_logic;
out_port : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
read_strobe : out std_logic;
in_port : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
interrupt : in std_logic;
interrupt_ack : out std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic);
end component;
-- declaration of program ROM
component monitor
Port ( address : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
instruction : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
clk : in std_logic);
end component;
-- declaration of UART transmitter with integral 16 byte FIFO buffer
component uart_tx
Port ( data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
write_buffer : in std_logic;
reset_buffer : in std_logic;
en_16_x_baud : in std_logic;
serial_out : out std_logic;
buffer_full : out std_logic;
buffer_half_full : out std_logic;
clk : in std_logic);
end component;
-- declaration of UART Receiver with integral 16 byte FIFO buffer
component uart_rx
Port ( serial_in : in std_logic;
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
read_buffer : in std_logic;
reset_buffer : in std_logic;
en_16_x_baud : in std_logic;
buffer_data_present : out std_logic;
buffer_full : out std_logic;
buffer_half_full : out std_logic;
clk : in std_logic);
end component;
-- declaration of serial configuration PROM reading interface
component prom_reader_serial
generic( length : integer := 5; --sync
pattern 2^length
frequency : integer := 50 ); --system
clock speed in MHz
port( clock : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic; --active
read : in std_logic; --active
low single cycle pulse
next_sync : in std_logic; --active
low single cycle pulse
din : in std_logic;
sync_pattern : in std_logic_vector((2**length) - 1 downto
cclk : out std_logic;
sync : out std_logic; --active
low single cycle pulse
data_ready : out std_logic; --active
low single cycle pulse
reset_prom : out std_logic; --active
high to /OE of PROM (reset when high)
dout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end component;
-- Signals used to connect KCPSM3 to program ROM and I/O logic
signal address : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
signal instruction : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
signal port_id : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal out_port : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal in_port : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal write_strobe : std_logic;
signal read_strobe : std_logic;
signal interrupt : std_logic;
signal interrupt_ack : std_logic;
-- Signals for connection of peripherals
signal uart_status_port : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Signals to form an timer generating an interrupt every microsecond
signal timer_count : integer range 0 to 63 :=0;
signal timer_pulse : std_logic;
-- Signals for UART connections
signal baud_count : integer range 0 to 511 :=0;
signal en_16_x_baud : std_logic;
signal write_to_uart : std_logic;
signal tx_full : std_logic;
signal tx_half_full : std_logic;
signal read_from_uart : std_logic;
signal rx_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal rx_data_present : std_logic;
signal rx_full : std_logic;
signal rx_half_full : std_logic;
-- Signals for 7-segment display driver
signal digit_ram : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal digit_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal digit_scan : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
signal write_to_digit_ram : std_logic;
-- Signals for SRAM memory
signal ram_a_byte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal ram_b_byte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal ram_data_in : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal ram_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal ctrl_ram_we : std_logic;
signal ctrl_ram_oe : std_logic;
signal ctrl_ram_a_ce : std_logic;
signal ctrl_ram_a_ub : std_logic;
signal ctrl_ram_a_lb : std_logic;
signal ctrl_ram_b_ce : std_logic;
signal ctrl_ram_b_ub : std_logic;
signal ctrl_ram_b_lb : std_logic;
-- Signals for serial PROM reader
signal prom_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal reset_prom_reader : std_logic;
signal prom_read_pulse : std_logic;
signal prom_sync_pulse : std_logic;
signal prom_sync : std_logic;
signal prom_data_ready_pulse : std_logic;
signal prom_data_ready : std_logic;
-- Start of circuit description

-- KCPSM3 and the program memory


processor: kcpsm3
port map( address => address,
instruction => instruction,
port_id => port_id,
write_strobe => write_strobe,
out_port => out_port,
read_strobe => read_strobe,
in_port => in_port,
interrupt => interrupt,
interrupt_ack => interrupt_ack,
reset => '0',
clk => clk);

program_rom: monitor
port map( address => address,
instruction => instruction,
-- proc_reset => processor_reset, --
additional port for JTAG loader version
clk => clk);


-- Interrupt

-- Interrupt is a generated once every 50 clock cycles to provide a
1us reference.
-- Interrupt is automatically cleared by interrupt acknowledgment
from KCPSM3.

Timer: process(clk)

if clk'event and clk='1' then

if timer_count=49 then
timer_count <= 0;
timer_pulse <= '1';
timer_count <= timer_count + 1;
timer_pulse <= '0';
end if;

if interrupt_ack = '1' then
interrupt <= '0';
elsif timer_pulse = '1' then
interrupt <= '1';
interrupt <= interrupt;
end if;

end if;

end process Timer;

-- UART FIFO status signals and PROM reader status signals to form a

uart_status_port <= '0' & prom_sync & prom_data_ready &
rx_data_present & rx_full & rx_half_full & tx_full & tx_half_full ;

-- SRAM control signals

ram_we <= ctrl_ram_we;
ram_oe <= ctrl_ram_oe;
ram_a_ce <= ctrl_ram_a_ce;
ram_a_ub <= ctrl_ram_a_ub;
ram_a_lb <= ctrl_ram_a_lb;
ram_b_ce <= ctrl_ram_b_ce;
ram_b_ub <= ctrl_ram_b_ub;
ram_b_lb <= ctrl_ram_b_lb;

-- SRAM data selection based on RAM controls

ram_a_byte <= ram_a_data(7 downto 0) when ctrl_ram_a_lb='0' else
ram_a_data(15 downto 8);
ram_b_byte <= ram_b_data(7 downto 0) when ctrl_ram_b_lb='0' else
ram_b_data(15 downto 8);
ram_data_in <= ram_a_byte when ctrl_ram_a_ce='0' else ram_b_byte;

-- SRAM bidirectional data busses
-- The upper and lower bytes of the 16-bit data ports are provided
with the same
-- information and the lower and upper byte controls will be used to
write the
-- data appropreately.

ram_a_data <= (ram_data_out & ram_data_out) when ctrl_ram_oe='1'
ram_b_data <= (ram_data_out & ram_data_out) when ctrl_ram_oe='1'


-- KCPSM3 input ports

-- The inputs connect via a pipelined multiplexer

input_ports: process(clk)
if clk'event and clk='1' then

case port_id(2 downto 0) is

-- read UART status and PROM reader status at address 00 hex
when "000" => in_port <= uart_status_port;

-- read UART receive data at address 01 hex
when "001" => in_port <= rx_data;

-- read switches at address 02 hex
when "010" => in_port <= switch;

-- read press buttons at address 03 hex
when "011" => in_port <= "0000" & button;

-- read SRAM data at address 04 hex
when "100" => in_port <= ram_data_in;

-- read serial PROM data at address 05 hex
-- Note that reading this port will automatically generate a
pulse to fetch the next byte from the PROM reader.
when "101" => in_port <= prom_data;

-- Don't care used to access the 7-segment digit memory with
LSB's providing address
when others => in_port <= digit_ram;

end case;

-- Form read strobe for UART receiver FIFO buffer for address 01
hex (lower 3 bits only).
-- The fact that the read strobe will occur after the actual
data is read by
-- the KCPSM3 is acceptable because it is really means 'I have
read you'!

read_from_uart <= read_strobe and (not port_id(2)) and (not
port_id(1)) and port_id(0) ;

end if;

end process input_ports;


-- KCPSM3 output ports


-- adding the output registers to the clock processor

output_ports: process(clk)

if clk'event and clk='1' then
if write_strobe='1' then

-- LED register at address A0 hex

if port_id(7)='1' and port_id(6)='0'and port_id(5)='1' then
led <= out_port;
end if;

-- SRAM controls address 80 hex

if port_id(7)='1' and port_id(6)='0'and port_id(5)='0' then
ctrl_ram_we <= out_port(7);
ctrl_ram_oe <= out_port(6);
ctrl_ram_a_ce <= out_port(5);
ctrl_ram_a_ub <= out_port(4);
ctrl_ram_a_lb <= out_port(3);
ctrl_ram_b_ce <= out_port(2);
ctrl_ram_b_ub <= out_port(1);
ctrl_ram_b_lb <= out_port(0);
end if;

-- SRAM data at addresses 60 hex

if port_id(7)='0' and port_id(6)='1'and port_id(5)='1' then
ram_data_out <= out_port;
end if;

-- Serial PROM reset control at addresses 40 hex (bit 0)

if port_id(7)='0' and port_id(6)='1'and port_id(5)='0' then
reset_prom_reader <= out_port(0);
end if;

-- Reserved at addresses 20 hex

--if port_id(7)='0' and port_id(6)='0'and port_id(5)='1' then
-- ??????? <= out_port;
--end if;

-- SRAM address requires 3 addresses.....
-- Lowest byte address 11 hex

if port_id(4)='1' and port_id(0)='1' then
ram_addr(7 downto 0) <= out_port;
end if;

-- Middle byte address 12 hex

if port_id(4)='1' and port_id(1)='1' then
ram_addr(15 downto 8) <= out_port;
end if;

-- Upper bits byte address 14 hex

if port_id(4)='1' and port_id(2)='1' then
ram_addr(17 downto 16) <= out_port(1 downto 0);
end if;

end if;

end if;

end process output_ports;

-- write to UART transmitter FIFO buffer at address C0 hex.
-- This is a combinatorial decode because the FIFO is the 'port

write_to_uart <= write_strobe and port_id(7) and port_id(6) and

-- write to 7-segment displays at addresses E0 to E3 hex.
-- This is a combinatorial decode because the memories used are
-- The 7-segment display is time multiplexed at a rate of 25Hz.
-- Dual port memory is used to inteface to the processor using one
-- location per digit. This acatually provides 16 locations which
are read/write
-- and can be used as further sratch pad memory locations (E0 to

write_to_digit_ram <= write_strobe and port_id(7) and port_id(6) and

digit_loop: for i in 0 to 7 generate
-- Insert 16x1 dual port memory using primitives
-- Attribute to define RAM contents during implementation
-- The information is repeated in the generic map for functional
attribute INIT : string;
attribute INIT of digit_bit : label is "0000";

digit_bit: RAM16X1D
--synthesis translate_off
generic map(INIT => X"0000")
--synthesis translate_on
port map ( D => out_port(i),
WE => write_to_digit_ram,
WCLK => clk,
A0 => port_id(0),
A1 => port_id(1),
A2 => port_id(2),
A3 => port_id(3),
DPRA0 => digit_scan(18),
DPRA1 => digit_scan(19),
DPRA2 => '0',
DPRA3 => '0',
SPO => digit_ram(i),
DPO => digit_data(i));

end generate digit_loop;

-- Counter to scan memory locations

scan_counter: process(clk)
if clk'event and clk='1' then
--increment scan counter
digit_scan <= digit_scan + 1;

--decode anodes for correct digit (active low)

case digit_scan (19 downto 18) is
when "00" => digit_anode <= "1110";
when "01" => digit_anode <= "1101";
when "10" => digit_anode <= "1011";
when "11" => digit_anode <= "0111";
when others => digit_anode <= "XXXX";
end case;

--register and assign segment drivers
segment_a <= digit_data(0);
segment_b <= digit_data(1);
segment_c <= digit_data(2);
segment_d <= digit_data(3);
segment_e <= digit_data(4);
segment_f <= digit_data(5);
segment_g <= digit_data(6);
segment_dp <= digit_data(7);

end if;
end process scan_counter;



-- Connect the 8-bit, 1 stop-bit, no parity transmit and receive
-- Each contains an embedded 16-byte FIFO buffer.

transmit: uart_tx
port map ( data_in => out_port,
write_buffer => write_to_uart,
reset_buffer => '0',
en_16_x_baud => en_16_x_baud,
serial_out => tx,
buffer_full => tx_full,
buffer_half_full => tx_half_full,
clk => clk );

receive: uart_rx
port map ( serial_in => rx,
data_out => rx_data,
read_buffer => read_from_uart,
reset_buffer => '0',
en_16_x_baud => en_16_x_baud,
buffer_data_present => rx_data_present,
buffer_full => rx_full,
buffer_half_full => rx_half_full,
clk => clk );

-- Set baud rate to 9600 for the UART communications
-- For 50MHz clock the 'en_16_x_baud' is 153600Hz and means a pulse
required every 326 cycles

baud_timer: process(clk)
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if baud_count=325 then
baud_count <= 0;
en_16_x_baud <= '1';
baud_count <= baud_count + 1;
en_16_x_baud <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process baud_timer;


-- Serial configuration PROM reader

-- This macro enables data stored afater the Spartan-3 configuration
data to be located and then read
-- sequentially.

prom_access: prom_reader_serial
generic map( length => 5, --Synchronisation
pattern is 2^5 = 32 bits
frequency => 50) --System clock
rate is 50MHz
port map( clock => clk,
reset => reset_prom_reader, --reset reader and
initiates search for sysnc pattern
read => prom_read_pulse, --active low pulse
initiates retrieval of next byte
next_sync => '1', --would be used to
find another sync pattern
din => din, --from XCF02S
sync_pattern => X"8F9FAFBF", --32bit
synchronisation pattern is constant in this application
cclk => cclk, --to XCF02S device
sync => prom_sync_pulse, --active low pulse
indicates sync pattern located
data_ready => prom_data_ready_pulse, --active low pulse
indicates data byte received
reset_prom => reset_prom, --to XCF02S device
dout => prom_data); --byte received
from serial prom

--Need to 'latch' (synchronously) the status pulses so they can be
read by the processor using polling.
--These are cleared by a prom reset or read.

prom_interface_logic: process(clk)
if clk'event and clk='1' then

if prom_read_pulse='0' or reset_prom_reader='1' then
prom_data_ready <= '0';
elsif prom_data_ready_pulse='0' then
prom_data_ready <= '1';
prom_data_ready <= prom_data_ready;
end if;

if prom_read_pulse='0' or reset_prom_reader='1' then
prom_sync <= '0';
elsif prom_sync_pulse='0' then
prom_sync <= '1';
prom_sync <= prom_sync;
end if;

-- The act of reading a byte of data will cause a single cycle
active low pulse to generated
-- to instigate the read of the next byte from serial PROM.
-- This is a read port address 05 hex.

prom_read_pulse <= not( read_strobe and port_id(2) and
(not(port_id(1))) and port_id(0) );

end if;
end process prom_interface_logic;


end Behavioral;

-- END OF FILE s3_clock_pcb_monitor.vhd

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