Vehicle fax operation


John Dunkley

Does anyone in this NG have any experience or ideas as to how a fax machine
can be connected to a CDMA telephone for use in a vehicle?

John Dunkley wrote:
Does anyone in this NG have any experience or ideas as to how a fax machine
can be connected to a CDMA telephone for use in a vehicle?


Im not sure about connecting a fax directly to a standard CDMA telphone
but you can by a device called a "fixed Cellular Terminal". These are a
black box basically with a mobile phone anteanna and a phone socket on
them (and with a SIM card for GSM models). Depending on the model you
can plug any type of telhone equipment into them and use them wherever
you have signal.

They're not really all that cheap though and a fair bit larger than a
standard modern mobile. I forget the name of the mob who make them, but
I'll post later if I remmenber.

John Dunkley wrote:

Does anyone in this NG have any experience or ideas as to how a fax machine
can be connected to a CDMA telephone for use in a vehicle?

G'day John,

CDMA via Internet to Notebook, via a service like (which I
use), and it falls out your inbox as a pdf file. You can select any
capital city for the incoming phone number.

If you need it printed (and do you really need this these days?) then
you need a printer that will run from car power or batteries.

And if you want to send a fax, it is all in place with the above. Send
from your email program, or windows app., to any number world wide.

The most expensive part is the CDMA ISP connection. I think you are
pretty much tied into Tel$tra.


Don McKenzie
E-Mail Contact Page:

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On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 11:20:18 GMT, "John Dunkley"
<> wrote:

Does anyone in this NG have any experience or ideas as to how a fax machine
can be connected to a CDMA telephone for use in a vehicle?


Wialki Electronics in Perth sell a mobile (12V) fax machine. Talk to
Steve on 08 9455-2245


Jenal Communications
Manufacturers and Suppliers of HF Selcall
P O Box 1108, Morley, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9370 5533 Fax +61 8 9467 6146
Web Site:
I'm not sure about fax calls, but data calls to a CDMA mobile are not
useable by a standard modem. They are not just the 'analogue' fax
signal over CDMA, they are using the digital signal as a digital

Even if you could hook the analogue output of a CDMA handset to a fax,
the data rate would be very slow, given the codec data rate is

To use a fax on CDMA, I think you would need a separate number for that
service that tells the network to terminate the fax call somewhere else
and forward the data to the handset. In this respect, the handset looks
like a modem, which means that it would need to connect to a PC, and
not be able to connect directly to a fax. I'm assuming a normal PSTN
fax, as I don't know if there is a specialised fax for this type of

Similar to someone else's suggestion, you will need a laptop and a
printer to get something like this working (I think).


John Dunkley wrote:
Does anyone in this NG have any experience or ideas as to how a fax machine
can be connected to a CDMA telephone for use in a vehicle?


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