Hendrik Jan Zwerver
Anyone who is interrested to make there own power mosfet model for
spice can now easily do this with a tool i made.
It's a windows application and can be found on the yahoo groups
The programs needs dot net framework 2.0 to be installed on your
computer in order let it run.
1 Datasheet information of the mosfet to be modeled is entered in the
2 This data can be saved for later use.
3 The model created is a .model statement which only will work in
LTspice because it makes use of the VDmos device in LTspice not
pressent in any other spice.
4 The program has a library manager to keep all your models in one .lib
The model generated by the program matches the datasheet ouput graph,
transfer graph and all the capacitances of the device. Especialy the
nonlinear gate drain capacitor which is the power of VDmos model in
It now allso includes the reverse recovery of the body diode. (only
basicly because the spice diode only covers the storage time)
Best regards,
Hendrik Jan Zwerver
Anyone who is interrested to make there own power mosfet model for
spice can now easily do this with a tool i made.
It's a windows application and can be found on the yahoo groups
The programs needs dot net framework 2.0 to be installed on your
computer in order let it run.
1 Datasheet information of the mosfet to be modeled is entered in the
2 This data can be saved for later use.
3 The model created is a .model statement which only will work in
LTspice because it makes use of the VDmos device in LTspice not
pressent in any other spice.
4 The program has a library manager to keep all your models in one .lib
The model generated by the program matches the datasheet ouput graph,
transfer graph and all the capacitances of the device. Especialy the
nonlinear gate drain capacitor which is the power of VDmos model in
It now allso includes the reverse recovery of the body diode. (only
basicly because the spice diode only covers the storage time)
Best regards,
Hendrik Jan Zwerver