Hi All,
We've released the version 1.0.0 of VCDEdit. It is a perl module to
querry & edit a VCD file. It supports both VCD and EVCD formats as
specified by Verilog 2001 LRM.
Few things you could achieve using VCDEdit are
1. Drive a simulation from a VCD file : Dump out 'force' and
'release' commands so that the simulation exactly follows another.
2. Modify VCD files, as you wish, for further post processing.
3. Compare and contract two different simulations with their VCD
4. Automatically classify the cause of testcase failures with known
5. Post pocess VCD files to create other testvectors et. al.
The document for the product is also available in the tarball itself.
We are planning to release it for the following platforms
o RedHat Ent. Ed. 3.0
o Fedora Core 3
o RedHat 7.2
o RedHat 7.3
We are facing some problems in installation scripts of RedHat Ent 3.0
& other platforms. Hence at present only the Fedora Core 3 version is
being released. It could be downloaded from
Of the known issues are few bugs in methods used for modification of
the VCD file. If you are not using those methods that modify the values
of signals, you should not be affraid of.
If you need this product for a specific platform, then you could
contact me : narenkn AT gmail DOT com.
We are a small VLSI services company based in bangalore. At present,
this product is given away for free.
Instructions for usage
1. Unzip & untar : gtar xvzf fedora3.taz
2. In a shell start the lic server : ./Server
3. Note that you should be connected to the internet while you
execute the previous command.
4. In another terminal set the variable TM_LICENSE_SERVER to
5. Set the environment variable PERL5LIB to `pwd`/lib/perl5/site_perl
6. From the same terminal, write sample programs and execute...
Please give us your valuable suggestions for the improvement of
We've released the version 1.0.0 of VCDEdit. It is a perl module to
querry & edit a VCD file. It supports both VCD and EVCD formats as
specified by Verilog 2001 LRM.
Few things you could achieve using VCDEdit are
1. Drive a simulation from a VCD file : Dump out 'force' and
'release' commands so that the simulation exactly follows another.
2. Modify VCD files, as you wish, for further post processing.
3. Compare and contract two different simulations with their VCD
4. Automatically classify the cause of testcase failures with known
5. Post pocess VCD files to create other testvectors et. al.
The document for the product is also available in the tarball itself.
We are planning to release it for the following platforms
o RedHat Ent. Ed. 3.0
o Fedora Core 3
o RedHat 7.2
o RedHat 7.3
We are facing some problems in installation scripts of RedHat Ent 3.0
& other platforms. Hence at present only the Fedora Core 3 version is
being released. It could be downloaded from
Of the known issues are few bugs in methods used for modification of
the VCD file. If you are not using those methods that modify the values
of signals, you should not be affraid of.
If you need this product for a specific platform, then you could
contact me : narenkn AT gmail DOT com.
We are a small VLSI services company based in bangalore. At present,
this product is given away for free.
Instructions for usage
1. Unzip & untar : gtar xvzf fedora3.taz
2. In a shell start the lic server : ./Server
3. Note that you should be connected to the internet while you
execute the previous command.
4. In another terminal set the variable TM_LICENSE_SERVER to
5. Set the environment variable PERL5LIB to `pwd`/lib/perl5/site_perl
6. From the same terminal, write sample programs and execute...
Please give us your valuable suggestions for the improvement of