vcd file size reduction


thirunadha rao


Can someone please answer to my following question on vcd (value
change dump) file.

If i have a program to reduce a given vcd file size by 8-10%, can it
be useful ? Basically, my program takes a vcd file as an input and
produces another vcd file which is 8-10% less in size from original
vcd, without disturbing any siganl changes (events)? Can it be useful

Thanks and Reagards,
Thiru. (thirunadha rao) wrote in message news:<>...

Can someone please answer to my following question on vcd (value
change dump) file.

If i have a program to reduce a given vcd file size by 8-10%, can it
be useful ? Basically, my program takes a vcd file as an input and
produces another vcd file which is 8-10% less in size from original
vcd, without disturbing any siganl changes (events)? Can it be useful

Thanks and Reagards,
My personal opinion only: it will be far more useful, if someone can
create applicationsfor generating a compact waveform database (similar to
vpd, sst etc.) and reading it through a free waveform viewer.

- Swapnajit.
=-=-= 100% pure Verilog PLI - go, get it ! =-=-=
Principles of Verilog PLI -By- Swapnajit Mittra
Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN: 0-7923-8477-6 (Swapnajit Mittra) wrote in message news:<>...

My personal opinion only: it will be far more useful, if someone can
create applicationsfor generating a compact waveform database (similar to
vpd, sst etc.) and reading it through a free waveform viewer.
See the manpages that come with gtkwave-1.3.48. There are some
converters bundled with the viewer that compress when converting VCD
to LXT, LXT2, or VZT. Reader/writer APIs w/source exist for LXT2 and
VZT so those formats are easily portable to other tools if anyone
cares to, however they are unsuitable if glitch preservation is a


19 :/pub/z_vcd> ls -la *.vcd | awk '{print $5" "$9}'

27032317 boot_hermes.vcd
3458533 des.vcd
103013722 model1.vcd
56997861 model2.vcd
40383618 pr_MP_RESRV_fvt.vcd
10671444 sauc041619_0.vcd
1237363268 systema.vcd
26171501 trace.vcd
49212763 vtest_noX8.vcd

20 :/pub/z_vcd> ls -la *.vzt | awk '{print $5" "$9}'

259603 boot_hermes.vzt
68789 des.vzt
213569 model1.vzt
389163 model2.vzt
528457 pr_MP_RESRV_fvt.vzt
149339 sauc041619_0.vzt
6295941 systema.vzt
368278 trace.vzt
128729 vtest_noX8.vzt
And ... can you throw some details on how you did achieve it?
Naren. (thirunadha rao) wrote in message news:<>...

Can someone please answer to my following question on vcd (value
change dump) file.

If i have a program to reduce a given vcd file size by 8-10%, can it
be useful ? Basically, my program takes a vcd file as an input and
produces another vcd file which is 8-10% less in size from original
vcd, without disturbing any siganl changes (events)? Can it be useful

Thanks and Reagards,
"thirunadha rao" <> skrev i meddelandet

Can someone please answer to my following question on vcd (value
change dump) file.

If i have a program to reduce a given vcd file size by 8-10%, can it
be useful ? Basically, my program takes a vcd file as an input and
produces another vcd file which is 8-10% less in size from original
vcd, without disturbing any siganl changes (events)? Can it be useful

Thanks and Reagards,
I think that commencrial programs like Signalscan can compress it by an
order of magnitude
and this is neccessary for large applications.

Best Regards,
Ulf Samuelsson
This is a personal view which may or may not be
share by my Employer Atmel Nordic AB (thirunadha rao) wrote in message news:<>...

Can someone please answer to my following question on vcd (value
change dump) file.

If i have a program to reduce a given vcd file size by 8-10%, can it
be useful ? Basically, my program takes a vcd file as an input and
produces another vcd file which is 8-10% less in size from original
vcd, without disturbing any siganl changes (events)? Can it be useful

Thanks and Reagards,
As you probebly know, vcd waste alot of bytes because it is a ascii
I think that just by transferring it to binary file (use non printable
bytes) one can save more than 10 %.

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