Bill Sloman
I'm fooling aroud with a circuit in LTSpice, and the regular Gummel-Poon
model isn't capturing base-emitter breakdown.
I've googled around a bit, and the VBIC mdeol does seem to offer this, and
LT Spice will run the VBIC model, but I can't seem to find a repsoitory of
VBIC models.
I'd be grateful if anybody could poitn me to a VBIC model of the 2N3906 or
any similar gold-doped PNP saturating switch.
Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
model isn't capturing base-emitter breakdown.
I've googled around a bit, and the VBIC mdeol does seem to offer this, and
LT Spice will run the VBIC model, but I can't seem to find a repsoitory of
VBIC models.
I'd be grateful if anybody could poitn me to a VBIC model of the 2N3906 or
any similar gold-doped PNP saturating switch.
Bill Sloman, Nijmegen