I am building a speed switch around a LM2907, but want to add a "pulse" LED
that blinks every time the magnet goes past the senor....I'm having a mental
blank, i'm sure it's easy but can't think how to do it! Should I
capacitively couple the signal from the sensor, so it doesnt mess up the
signal goint to the '2907 and use something like a schmitt trigger to flash
the LED? I know the output amplitude from the sendor varies greatly with
speed, but I need the LED pulses to make it easy to setup. Ant suggestions?
that blinks every time the magnet goes past the senor....I'm having a mental
blank, i'm sure it's easy but can't think how to do it! Should I
capacitively couple the signal from the sensor, so it doesnt mess up the
signal goint to the '2907 and use something like a schmitt trigger to flash
the LED? I know the output amplitude from the sendor varies greatly with
speed, but I need the LED pulses to make it easy to setup. Ant suggestions?