vacuum pump help

i hope somebody can help me. i bought a doerr pump at a garage sale the
other day. they guy tol dme it had never been used but tis a little
old. it has a strange plug almost looks like a 240 volt. but the pump
says that its 115v. i know very little about motors! when i connect it
to my outlet with some wires.. it makes a humming noise and starts to
heat up. the motor is defineitly not spinning. im pretty sure the pump
works, im just doing something wrong. any ideas? the following is on
the pump patent:3311293 insul class a 5.4 A 60HZ 1725 rpm 1/4 hp mod no
0522v103c(?)186 single phase mtr ref 50156aa733 fr h487. thanks for
your help!
thank you very much for the replys! im goign to go open up what i think
may be the capacitor casing. how can i tell if the capacitor is any
good? the only electrical meter i have is for measuring resistence. im
thinking the plug may be weird because of the motors age??? thanks again
i took out what i think is the capacitor. it has two wires going into
it and one other place where a wire can be connected. the back of it
(opposite the wires) is open and there is a metal disk that has a screw
righ tin the middle (variable?). like i said i have no idea what im
talking about lol. im not seeing any units of capacitence or anything
really. it does say pat 2585704 & others. also says klixon and
mee26rx-368 each terminal is numberd 1-3 thanks for your help! id hate
to see an expensive pump (that i got for $20 :) ) go to waste!
thank you everyone so much! i got it running and ive never been
happier! the problem was actualy not electrical. the piece that coverd
the rotary end of the motor (i think thats right lol) was on way way
way to tight (i didnt do it) after taking the whole thing apart and
cleaning it its running fine. however, a graphite blade is broken and
so the pump does not actualy pump any air :( its such a simple piece
does anyone know where i could find a new one? thanks once again! oh
and btw thanks for all the warnings about working with something i dont
know anything about lol. i actualy did know that you can discharge a
capacitor by setting a screw driver across the terminals but i hoped
there was a safer way! havnt done that since i made my first tesla coil! wrote:
i hope somebody can help me. i bought a doerr pump at a garage sale
other day. they guy tol dme it had never been used but tis a little
old. it has a strange plug almost looks like a 240 volt. but the pump
says that its 115v. i know very little about motors! when i connect
to my outlet with some wires.. it makes a humming noise and starts to
heat up. the motor is defineitly not spinning. im pretty sure the
works, im just doing something wrong. any ideas? the following is on
the pump patent:3311293 insul class a 5.4 A 60HZ 1725 rpm 1/4 hp mod
0522v103c(?)186 single phase mtr ref 50156aa733 fr h487. thanks for
your help!
Look up nema receptacles and plugs on the net or go to an electrical
supply house and see if they have a chart showing the many many
different types of electrical cord outlets and plugs. There are special
plugs for 120 volts that will not fit a normal household 120 volt

It could also be a locking type plug...most applications where you are
using a vacuum dont want anyone accidentally pulling the
plug on the machine because you lose vacuum.

nema plug and receptacle confiqurations

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