Diego Stutzer
Well, I'm really confused.
I simulate a simple serial R-C-L-Network (all in series).
As far as I know the total (input-)Impedance of the network is:
Z = R + jwL - j/(wC) resp. the resonance frequency (where Zin=R) is
At resonance frequency, the Impedance should be real and therefore in
my hummel opinion Voltage and Current schould be in phase.
The funny thing is, when i build up such a network in Schematics
(Cadence PSD 14.1/Orcad 9.2) and simulate it with the PSpice A/D
Simulator, the current is displaced (relative to the voltage) about
lambda/4 - obviously not in phase!?
Can anyone tell my where I made a mistake?
Or why this Problem is showing up?
Thanks to anyone reading this and especially to those who post
D. Stutzer
Well, I'm really confused.
I simulate a simple serial R-C-L-Network (all in series).
As far as I know the total (input-)Impedance of the network is:
Z = R + jwL - j/(wC) resp. the resonance frequency (where Zin=R) is
At resonance frequency, the Impedance should be real and therefore in
my hummel opinion Voltage and Current schould be in phase.
The funny thing is, when i build up such a network in Schematics
(Cadence PSD 14.1/Orcad 9.2) and simulate it with the PSpice A/D
Simulator, the current is displaced (relative to the voltage) about
lambda/4 - obviously not in phase!?
Can anyone tell my where I made a mistake?
Or why this Problem is showing up?
Thanks to anyone reading this and especially to those who post
D. Stutzer