Of course the trise is supported in Spectre.
I've created a little testbench: 2 diodes forward biased with a VDC
source @ 2V:
D1 (net1 0) myPdiode l=W w=W m=1
D0 (net1 0) myPdiode l=W w=W m=1 trise=TRISE
trise is an instance parameter.
I include the model file where ''myPdiode " is defined :
include "MyPath/myPdiode.scs"
I run a DC sweep on TRISE from -50C up to 100.
The result is here attached:
My myPdiode.scs model file is a model you can find in the VirtuosoŽ
Simulator Circuit Components
and Device Models Manual.
More details about your netlist would be helpful.
Please don't post any proprietary data (models cards, files ...)
Of course the trise is supported in Spectre.
I've created a little testbench: 2 diodes forward biased with a VDC
source @ 2V:
D1 (net1 0) myPdiode l=W w=W m=1
D0 (net1 0) myPdiode l=W w=W m=1 trise=TRISE
trise is an instance parameter.
I include the model file where ''myPdiode " is defined :
include "MyPath/myPdiode.scs"
I run a DC sweep on TRISE from -50C up to 100.
The result is here attached:
My myPdiode.scs model file is a model you can find in the VirtuosoŽ
Simulator Circuit Components
and Device Models Manual.
More details about your netlist would be helpful.
Please don't post any proprietary data (models cards, files ...)