Using Prime Time To Find All The Paths, Not Only the Critica

Hi All,

I would like to use Synopsys's Prime Time in my research in path delay
analysis. I have ITC benchmark files given in vhd format which are
sequential logic circuits. I would like to find all the paths of a
benchmark using synopsys. First, I use design analyzer to convert
behavioral vhd to structural verilog format. Here, I want prime time to
find all the paths, not only the critical ones. When I look at the
write_delay_paths command of P.T., there is a slack option. With this
option, it should write paths with slack less than the specified
crit_time. The default says it is infinite. What I am hoping is with
this default option, I should get the critical paths, plus with an
infinite slack the rest of them. If I can achieve it, I will feed the
benchmark with all paths to Tetra-max in order to create test vectors.
If anybody can help me to find all the paths by using prime time, it
would be a great help in my research.


Ilteris Murat Derici

Southern Methodist University

Ph.D. Student

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