Using 'path' gives off-grid errors


Jan Mikkelsen


Most likely a stupid question but never the less. When I draw a 45
degree bend using path the centerline is on-grid but the perimeter
corners are not. Is there any way to solve this? Apart from not using
the 45 degree bends naturally :)

Jan Mikkelsen wrote:

Most likely a stupid question but never the less. When I draw a 45
degree bend using path the centerline is on-grid but the perimeter
corners are not. Is there any way to solve this? Apart from not using
the 45 degree bends naturally :)
I tend to draw 45 degree lines with polygons. Put a path down first (for
ease of drawing) and then put the polygon over the path.

Paths are defined as the centre points and a width so will always have
this "problem" as far as I can see.


Following code may help you,
Change the grid value in the second procedure,

Select all the paths,
call sjMakePathOnGrid()

procedure( sjOnGrid(pt grid)
let( (r)
mapcar( lambda((a) sjOnGrid( a grid)) pt)
r = 10 ** -log10(grid)

procedure( sjMakePathOnGrid()
;Set the grid
grid = 0.01
mapcar(lambda((obj) obj->points = sjOnGrid(obj->points grid))

Jan Mikkelsen wrote:

Most likely a stupid question but never the less. When I draw a 45
degree bend using path the centerline is on-grid but the perimeter
corners are not. Is there any way to solve this? Apart from not using
the 45 degree bends naturally :)

here is my version of a script.

call it and it will do the job on selected paths if any are selected or
on all the path if none are selected.

right now it snaps to the x-y snap spacings defined in the layout editor
if no snap spacing is explicitely provided. this could easily be changed
to snap to the manufacturing grid with
or why not write an options form to allow selecting the snap spacing.

you can bind it to a key or a menu
hiSetBindKey( "Layout" "Ctrl<Key>F" "Path2Grid() )

the snapping mechanism is a simple rounding, that could probably be

hope this helps,


procedure( Path2Grid( @optional (wnd hiGetCurrentWindow()) (snapX 0.0)
(snapY 0.0) "wff" )
let( (polygon shapes)
when( snapX == 0.0
snapX = wnd~>xSnapSpacing
when( snapY == 0.0
snapY = wnd~>ySnapSpacing
shapes = geGetSelSet(wnd) || geGetEditCellView(wnd)~>shapes
foreach( shape setof( x shapes x~>isShape )
polygon = leConvertShapeToPolygon( shape )
polygon~>points = mapcar( lambda( ( pt ) list( snapX*round(
car(pt)/snapX ) snapY*round( cadr(pt)/snapY ) ) ) polygon~>points )
) ; foreach
) ; let
) ; procedure

Jan Mikkelsen wrote:

Most likely a stupid question but never the less. When I draw a 45
degree bend using path the centerline is on-grid but the perimeter
corners are not. Is there any way to solve this? Apart from not using
the 45 degree bends naturally :)

10 ** -log10(grid) is equal to grid**-1

So, the procedures should be,
procedure( sjOnGrid(pt grid)
mapcar( lambda((a) sjOnGrid( a grid)) pt)

procedure( sjMakePathOnGrid()
grid = 0.01
mapcar(lambda((obj) obj->points = sjOnGrid(obj->points grid))


Suresh Jeevanandam wrote:
Following code may help you,
Change the grid value in the second procedure,

Select all the paths,
call sjMakePathOnGrid()

procedure( sjOnGrid(pt grid)
let( (r)
mapcar( lambda((a) sjOnGrid( a grid)) pt)
r = 10 ** -log10(grid)

procedure( sjMakePathOnGrid()
;Set the grid
grid = 0.01
mapcar(lambda((obj) obj->points = sjOnGrid(obj->points grid))

Jan Mikkelsen wrote:


Most likely a stupid question but never the less. When I draw a 45
degree bend using path the centerline is on-grid but the perimeter
corners are not. Is there any way to solve this? Apart from not using
the 45 degree bends naturally :)

note that snapping to the "nearest grid" could cause problems when the
line is minimum width.
This will then cause "drc" width violations.
I prefer a "snapping up" solution that always results in lines that are
= the design width.
(note however that this will result in ussues when a pair of diagonal
center-lines are snapped.
(i.e. when aware of the snap up behavior, you need to have slightly
increased 45 degree center-line spacing.)

When doing hand layout I tend to use my "6 percent solution TM".

(i.e. for a centerline of 4x width (x being the grid!) when the
centerline has a 45 degree bend,
The inside edge starts 2x oer and 1x back. The outside edge starts
2x over and 1 up. )
The resulting line is ~ 1.06x the width of the orthogonal piece.
Also when the legal spacing to the next centerline over is 2y, the
bend in it's centerline is
2y over and y backed off. This results in 1.06y spacing on diagonals.

This keeps pesky DRC tools happy (except when Fab's put tighter
restrictions on 45's ....)


-- Gerry

S. Badel wrote:

here is my version of a script.

call it and it will do the job on selected paths if any are selected
or on all the path if none are selected.

right now it snaps to the x-y snap spacings defined in the layout
editor if no snap spacing is explicitely provided. this could easily
be changed to snap to the manufacturing grid with

or why not write an options form to allow selecting the snap spacing.

you can bind it to a key or a menu
hiSetBindKey( "Layout" "Ctrl<Key>F" "Path2Grid() )

the snapping mechanism is a simple rounding, that could probably be

hope this helps,


procedure( Path2Grid( @optional (wnd hiGetCurrentWindow()) (snapX
0.0) (snapY 0.0) "wff" )
let( (polygon shapes)
when( snapX == 0.0
snapX = wnd~>xSnapSpacing
when( snapY == 0.0
snapY = wnd~>ySnapSpacing
shapes = geGetSelSet(wnd) || geGetEditCellView(wnd)~>shapes
foreach( shape setof( x shapes x~>isShape )
polygon = leConvertShapeToPolygon( shape )
polygon~>points = mapcar( lambda( ( pt ) list( snapX*round(
car(pt)/snapX ) snapY*round( cadr(pt)/snapY ) ) ) polygon~>points )
) ; foreach
) ; let
) ; procedure

Jan Mikkelsen wrote:


Most likely a stupid question but never the less. When I draw a 45
degree bend using path the centerline is on-grid but the perimeter
corners are not. Is there any way to solve this? Apart from not using
the 45 degree bends naturally :)


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