Mr. Ken
Hello there,
I am testing out OVL 1.7 with NCVerilog 5.0. I saved the OVL library on my
user account and instantiated, but how do I fix this error?
file: /home/user/projects/std_ovl/assert_always_on_edge.vlib
`module assert_always_on_edge (clk, reset_n, sampling_event, test_expr);
ncvlog: *E,EXPMPA
(/home/user/projects/std_ovl/assert_always_on_edge.vlib,6|6): expecting the
keyword 'module', 'macromodule' or 'primitive'[A.1].
(`define macro: module [/home/user/projects/std_ovl/std_ovl_defines.h line
70], file: /home/user/projects/std_ovl/assert_always_on_edge.vlib line 6)
ncvlog: *W,UNBINS: Unbound instance found:
check_mi_output::assert_always_on_edge in unit worklib.test:v.
ncvlog: *E,UNBERR: (1) unbound instance(s).
Total errors/warnings found outside modules and primitives:
errors: 2, warnings: 1
I am testing out OVL 1.7 with NCVerilog 5.0. I saved the OVL library on my
user account and instantiated, but how do I fix this error?
file: /home/user/projects/std_ovl/assert_always_on_edge.vlib
`module assert_always_on_edge (clk, reset_n, sampling_event, test_expr);
ncvlog: *E,EXPMPA
(/home/user/projects/std_ovl/assert_always_on_edge.vlib,6|6): expecting the
keyword 'module', 'macromodule' or 'primitive'[A.1].
(`define macro: module [/home/user/projects/std_ovl/std_ovl_defines.h line
70], file: /home/user/projects/std_ovl/assert_always_on_edge.vlib line 6)
ncvlog: *W,UNBINS: Unbound instance found:
check_mi_output::assert_always_on_edge in unit worklib.test:v.
ncvlog: *E,UNBERR: (1) unbound instance(s).
Total errors/warnings found outside modules and primitives:
errors: 2, warnings: 1