Using my laptop as a cheap oscilloscope using Visual Analyze

Greets All

I plan on Using my laptop as a cheap oscilloscope using Visual
Analyzer 2009 does anyone know the amount of current that the mic in
port of a laptop can handle (don't want to blow the mic in port) I'll
only be measure in the audio range but will be coupling the ac signal
with a DC signal. Using this circuit

I want to see what the signal looks like that comes out of the laser

tia sal2 wrote:
Greets All

I plan on Using my laptop as a cheap oscilloscope using Visual
Analyzer 2009 does anyone know the amount of current that the mic in
port of a laptop can handle (don't want to blow the mic in port) I'll
only be measure in the audio range but will be coupling the ac signal
with a DC signal. Using this circuit

I want to see what the signal looks like that comes out of the laser

tia sal2
600 mv pk. I would use a couple of 1n914 diodes in parallel back to
front to protect the computer on the computer side of the transformer.

Good day.
On Wed, 27 May 2009 21:09:49 -0400, Jamie
wrote: wrote:
Greets All

I plan on Using my laptop as a cheap oscilloscope using Visual
Analyzer 2009 does anyone know the amount of current that the mic in
port of a laptop can handle (don't want to blow the mic in port) I'll
only be measure in the audio range but will be coupling the ac signal
with a DC signal. Using this circuit

I want to see what the signal looks like that comes out of the laser

tia sal2
600 mv pk. I would use a couple of 1n914 diodes in parallel back to
front to protect the computer on the computer side of the transformer.
Or use Line In, which is good for at least 3V
pk-pk and usually closer to 5V. The diodes are
still a good idea. Even better, use a series
resistor (1K to 10K) ahead of the anti-parallel
diodes. (View in monospaced font):

Outside world ---- R -o--o--- Sound Card
| |
- V
^ -
| |

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!

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