Using macros in composer/layout editor etc. similar to text



I sometimes find myself doing repetitive tasks with the schematic
composer which could be easily be repeated using some sort of macro
functionality similar to what is provided in MS Office tools/Emacs etc.
(I can imagine this being extremely useful in layout also). Is there
any such functionality available in the Cadence tools? This would be in
lieur of writing a SKILL program every time I need to do a task - using
a macro if I could record my keystrokes/menu commands /whatever else, I
would be able to repeat the macro thereby saving time...

If someone knows of some trick/SKILL pgm which does it, that would be

Jose Robins
Probably icfb -replay <.logfile> does what you ask for?
Havent played with it though..

Yes it would be nice. Mentor has a define userware window which was a
text window that you could copy and paste from the command log file and
then compile it to a function. It also pointed out syntax errors.

A copy and paste (instead of yank and paste) would be extremely useful
also for adding common figures such as vias and poly contacts.

here is the solution I finally came up with. The "replay" idea can be
made to work here in a slightly different way, assuming you are already
in a cadence session....

I'll call the set of actions that you want to repeat as a "macro".

To record a macro.- all of the ciw commands of course should be typed
without the double quotes (newbie proofing :) )....

1. in the ciw window type "hiStartLog(<fileName>)"
2. now do all the operations that you want recorded and these will be
recorded in the <fileName> log file
3. at the end of the macro, type in the ciw "hiEndLog()"
4. now you can type in the CIW window "hiReplayFile(<fileName>)" to
repeat the macro

hiLogDragEvents() and hiSetFilterOptions functions may also be useful
according to your particular situation. These functions are documented
in Chapter 2 of the cadence user interface skill functions reference

Remember to echo all of the U/I setting so automation is easier.

I recall that we were able to replay almost all cases of kit building except
a few exotic things.

( Pcell building was tricky ...
Context builds required care,
the Old-style complex arrays did not work,
shell return codes varied on cadence release ...
( when told it was a bug .. Cadence responded with "Replay files are not
documented to have return codes"
so much for some of our automated regression testing on internal Cadence
features ... we did hack the dfII kernel for
a few release to fix the bug ... but gave up after a while ... sigh )

None of my examples are for the casual hacker, but for the stout hearted
fool who must automate all.

-- Gerry

"jorobins" <> wrote in message
here is the solution I finally came up with. The "replay" idea can be
made to work here in a slightly different way, assuming you are already
in a cadence session....

I'll call the set of actions that you want to repeat as a "macro".

To record a macro.- all of the ciw commands of course should be typed
without the double quotes (newbie proofing :) )....

1. in the ciw window type "hiStartLog(<fileName>)"
2. now do all the operations that you want recorded and these will be
recorded in the <fileName> log file
3. at the end of the macro, type in the ciw "hiEndLog()"
4. now you can type in the CIW window "hiReplayFile(<fileName>)" to
repeat the macro

hiLogDragEvents() and hiSetFilterOptions functions may also be useful
according to your particular situation. These functions are documented
in Chapter 2 of the cadence user interface skill functions reference


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