I want to use 24 pairs of LVPECL_25 differential inputs in my design,
at a S3E500 FPGA device. During mapping, ISE gives the following
warnings and removes these inputs:
MapLib:701 - Signal pecl_input_p<23> connected to top level port
pecl_input_p<23> has been removed.
MapLib:701 - Signal pecl_input_n<23> connected to top level port
pecl_input_n<23> has been removed.
MapLib:701 - Signal pecl_input_p<23> connected to top level port
pecl_input_p<0> has been removed.
MapLib:701 - Signal pecl_input_n<23> connected to top level port
pecl_input_n<0> has been removed.
The input buffers are instantiated in VHDL like this:
Gen1: for i in 23 downto 0 generate
IBUFDS_inst : IBUFDS generic map (IOSTANDARD => "LVPECL_25")
port map (
O => cmp_in(i), -- Diff_p output (connect
directly to top-level port)
I => pecl_input_p(i), -- Diff_n output (connect
directly to top-level port)
IB => pecl_input_n(i) -- Buffer input
end generate Gen1 ;
and in the constraint file it is specified that:
NET "pecl_input_p<0>" LOC = "p57" | IOSTANDARD = LVPECL_25 ;
NET "pecl_input_n<0>" LOC = "p58" | IOSTANDARD = LVPECL_25 ;
The "cmp_in" output of the buffer is used and has load connected to
it, that is not removed from optimization steps. The problem seems to
be buffer-related, when I remove the buffer the inputs are not removed
by ISE. I also tried instantiating the buffer with following way,
getting the same results:
Gen1: for i in 23 downto 0 generate
buffer_array : IBUFDS_LVPECL_25 port map
(I=>input_p(i),IB=>input_n(i) , O=>input_int(i));
end generate Gen1 ;
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance for your time,
I want to use 24 pairs of LVPECL_25 differential inputs in my design,
at a S3E500 FPGA device. During mapping, ISE gives the following
warnings and removes these inputs:
MapLib:701 - Signal pecl_input_p<23> connected to top level port
pecl_input_p<23> has been removed.
MapLib:701 - Signal pecl_input_n<23> connected to top level port
pecl_input_n<23> has been removed.
MapLib:701 - Signal pecl_input_p<23> connected to top level port
pecl_input_p<0> has been removed.
MapLib:701 - Signal pecl_input_n<23> connected to top level port
pecl_input_n<0> has been removed.
The input buffers are instantiated in VHDL like this:
Gen1: for i in 23 downto 0 generate
IBUFDS_inst : IBUFDS generic map (IOSTANDARD => "LVPECL_25")
port map (
O => cmp_in(i), -- Diff_p output (connect
directly to top-level port)
I => pecl_input_p(i), -- Diff_n output (connect
directly to top-level port)
IB => pecl_input_n(i) -- Buffer input
end generate Gen1 ;
and in the constraint file it is specified that:
NET "pecl_input_p<0>" LOC = "p57" | IOSTANDARD = LVPECL_25 ;
NET "pecl_input_n<0>" LOC = "p58" | IOSTANDARD = LVPECL_25 ;
The "cmp_in" output of the buffer is used and has load connected to
it, that is not removed from optimization steps. The problem seems to
be buffer-related, when I remove the buffer the inputs are not removed
by ISE. I also tried instantiating the buffer with following way,
getting the same results:
Gen1: for i in 23 downto 0 generate
buffer_array : IBUFDS_LVPECL_25 port map
(I=>input_p(i),IB=>input_n(i) , O=>input_int(i));
end generate Gen1 ;
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance for your time,