Using calculator functions?

Hello, I was trying to use the calculator functions to set up the
outputs in ADE for plotting (eventually we'll move to command line,
netlist driven simulation) For examples, dB20(VF("/V0")/VF("/Vin")) for
the gain. However, this turned out to be an invalid SKILL expression.
But isn't calculator functions were written with SKILL code???
I know I could use dB20(getData("/V0" ?result "ac")...... but it's a
bit cumbersome to use such a lengthy statement. Any way around it?
hmm, I think it should be a valid Skill expression.
The exact error message could be helpfull ....
Perhaps you forgot to openResults() before?

The only problem I had with those calculator expressions
was, that they show sometimes strange effects due to data caching.
(especially on psf data created by other simulator sessions)
A skill sript which converts it into Ocean commands (getData(), v(), i())
fixed all the problems.

Sylvio wrote:
Hello, I was trying to use the calculator functions to set up the
outputs in ADE for plotting (eventually we'll move to command line,
netlist driven simulation) For examples, dB20(VF("/V0")/VF("/Vin")) for
the gain. However, this turned out to be an invalid SKILL expression.
But isn't calculator functions were written with SKILL code???
I know I could use dB20(getData("/V0" ?result "ac")...... but it's a
bit cumbersome to use such a lengthy statement. Any way around it?
Jay wrote:

Hello, I was trying to use the calculator functions to set up the
outputs in ADE for plotting (eventually we'll move to command line,
netlist driven simulation) For examples, dB20(VF("/V0")/VF("/Vin")) for
the gain. However, this turned out to be an invalid SKILL expression.
But isn't calculator functions were written with SKILL code???
I know I could use dB20(getData("/V0" ?result "ac")...... but it's a
bit cumbersome to use such a lengthy statement. Any way around it?

If you really mean to go netlist level ( a level lower than ocean
scripts ) , you can probably convert your outputs so they get store in
the psf. I did this once, but can remember well how. That was not with
and info statement... I think it was with "export" and "ocnEval" or stg
like that...

That's how one makes newgroups messages that are really not helping :]

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