I am using a discarded hard drive as the base of for an anemometer.
I have it running and can generate up to 200 mV a.c. that are ( I
assume) proportional to the wind speed.
The motor has 4 connections to the outside and I can get approximately
the same a.c. voltage from any combination of pairs.
My question is:
Can I use some type of combination ( delta, star etc.) that would
increase the generated voltage?
This connects to a high impedance circuit that converts the a.c. or
d.c. to RS232.
A computer plots the result.
Thanks for the help
I have it running and can generate up to 200 mV a.c. that are ( I
assume) proportional to the wind speed.
The motor has 4 connections to the outside and I can get approximately
the same a.c. voltage from any combination of pairs.
My question is:
Can I use some type of combination ( delta, star etc.) that would
increase the generated voltage?
This connects to a high impedance circuit that converts the a.c. or
d.c. to RS232.
A computer plots the result.
Thanks for the help