Use a buck convertor to replace fuel *injectors' resistors,


TE Chea

I tried to use a 3˝ amp output capacity buck convertor ( with auto
voltage i.e. self adjusts PWM timing ratios if input voltage
fluctuates e.g. when starter motor cranks engine & battery voltage
drops to 9˝v ) & 2 700mAh lithium batteries ( to feed 4v to *
when b-c could not, during engine cranking ) to replace my honda
F20a 's *' resistors. I fitted 2 1ź" Ř inductor rings & 15000ľF to
damp b-c's +ve 12-14v input.
This engine could start & run, but the usual open loop ( when
ECU activates * til O2 sensor produces a voltage of 0.65v ) did
not appear [ii] when I step on throttle to accelerate car, ECU
could not activate injectors long enough to inject enough fuel (
this inadequacy was visible on my digital voltmeter which receives
& reports O2 sensor's output ), so acceleration was less than usual.
This ECU ( made by NEC in 1990 ) activates * by connecting *'
-ve ground, [ii] seems cannot function as usual if I draw +ve 12-14
v from cigarette lighter socket, I'll try to draw +ve 12-14v from
ECU & see if ECU can work as usual.

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