usb powered, flashing LEDs


Branden Faulls

I am trying to build a simple circuit with 2 flashing LEDs drawing power
from a USB power source. I am using 5mm LEDs with an integrated flashing
circuit from Maplins.

The spec sheet for the LEDs says they have an operation voltage of 3.5 -
14V and a forward current of 20mA each.

Since these LEDs can operate between 3.5 - 14 then I assume that they will
be fine at the USB's 5V 500mA. Is that right?

Similarly, since they can take variable voltage, will I need a resistor in
this circuit? My assumption was no.

Is the following a safe way to wire these?

V+ -+-[LED]--gnd

How safe will the USB host bus be? I don't want to fry a motherboard with
my first project!

I'm a total beginner and I have tried to pick up as much from the other
LED posts in the group, but I'm not confident enough to build this without
some advice. I am especially confused how the 20mA
of current for each LED relates to the 500mA of the USB.

Thanks for any help

Branden Faulls
Branden Faulls wrote:
I am trying to build a simple circuit with 2 flashing LEDs drawing
power from a USB power source. I am using 5mm LEDs with an
integrated flashing circuit from Maplins.

The spec sheet for the LEDs says they have an operation voltage of
3.5 - 14V and a forward current of 20mA each.

Since these LEDs can operate between 3.5 - 14 then I assume that they
will be fine at the USB's 5V 500mA. Is that right?

Similarly, since they can take variable voltage, will I need a
resistor in this circuit? My assumption was no.

Is the following a safe way to wire these?

V+ -+-[LED]--gnd

How safe will the USB host bus be? I don't want to fry a motherboard
with my first project!

I'm a total beginner and I have tried to pick up as much from the
other LED posts in the group, but I'm not confident enough to build
this without some advice. I am especially confused how the 20mA
of current for each LED relates to the 500mA of the USB.
If you get familiar with the units and specs, you will notice that the
current spec is a max. value, which shouldn't be exeeded. The voltage OTOH
is always present and can be measured with a meter. Look at a battery, even
when not connected it has the voltage on its terminals. The current is the
number of electrons/s that is pushed by the voltage through the circuit.
So if you connect your LEDs(in parallel) they will draw the specified
current, since they have a built in current sink.
If you use normal LEDs you will need a particular resistor for each applied
voltage, but with the built-in sink you do not need to care. Be just aware
that the USB can only deliver 100mA, or else you have to signal the
controller that your circuit needs more current(up to 0.5A).
So don't worry, just be sure the LEDs are connected in the right polarity,
the reflector is usually tight to gnd.

ciao Ban
Bordighera, Italy
On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 11:10:31 +0000, Ban wrote:
So if you connect your LEDs(in parallel) they will
draw the specified current, since they have a built in current sink. If
you use normal LEDs you will need a particular resistor for each applied
voltage, but with the built-in sink you do not need to care. Be just
aware that the USB can only deliver 100mA, or else you have to signal
the controller that your circuit needs more current(up to 0.5A). So
don't worry, just be sure the LEDs are connected in the right polarity,
the reflector is usually tight to gnd.
OK, so the voltage is essentially irrelevant because the LED can handle
the range? Is the current demand cumulative? Meaning, the USB bus can
deliver 100mA, but my LEDs (in parallel) are only drawing 40mA? Would the
demand be different if they were wired in series?

Thanks for the RAPID response!

Branden Faulls
Whether they would operate in series depends on the internal circuitry,
although they probably would, but then you would need 7V (min) (3.5V
min per device) to power them, but the current would then be the same
for both.

You won't get 7V from USB, though - it is specified that the device at
the end of the cable always gets at least 4.4V under worst case
conditions. It is nominally 5V.


On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 12:51:11 +0100, Branden Faulls <>

On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 11:10:31 +0000, Ban wrote:
So if you connect your LEDs(in parallel) they will
draw the specified current, since they have a built in current sink. If
you use normal LEDs you will need a particular resistor for each applied
voltage, but with the built-in sink you do not need to care. Be just
aware that the USB can only deliver 100mA, or else you have to signal
the controller that your circuit needs more current(up to 0.5A). So
don't worry, just be sure the LEDs are connected in the right polarity,
the reflector is usually tight to gnd.

OK, so the voltage is essentially irrelevant because the LED can handle
the range? Is the current demand cumulative? Meaning, the USB bus can
deliver 100mA, but my LEDs (in parallel) are only drawing 40mA? Would the
demand be different if they were wired in series?
If you _could_ wire them in series the total current needed would be
halved, to 20mA, but the voltage would go up 7 volts, minimum.
Since you can only get 5V from the USB port, you have to run them in

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer

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