USB Motion Detector & Camera


Bret Cahill

It seems like the very first thing that would appear for home security
is a motion detector with a USB plug to activate a USB camera. The
software would save several photos or a video every time someone got
near the motion detector.

Is this on the market or do you have to actually rig something up?

Bret Cahill
On Tue, 16 Apr 2013, Bret Cahill wrote:

It seems like the very first thing that would appear for home security
is a motion detector with a USB plug to activate a USB camera. The
software would save several photos or a video every time someone got
near the motion detector.

Is this on the market or do you have to actually rig something up?

Look in old books about animals or nature. It was common to see projects
for hiding film cameras in the wild, and trip wires that animals would
pull and the camera and flash would go off, getting photos.

You don't even need a motion detector, just the trip wire, and a
modification of the camera so you can trigger it with an external input.
Of course, there may be an issue of focus, most of them do autofocus and
that takes time.

Of course, once you've modified the camera, you could go with a motion

On 4/16/2013 1:14 PM, Bret Cahill wrote:
It seems like the very first thing that would appear for home security
is a motion detector with a USB plug to activate a USB camera. The
software would save several photos or a video every time someone got
near the motion detector.

Is this on the market or do you have to actually rig something up?

Bret Cahill

What you describe has been available for several years.
You can even have a computer send the pics to your cell phone.

On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 14:25:14 -0400, Michael Black
<> wrote:

On Tue, 16 Apr 2013, Bret Cahill wrote:

It seems like the very first thing that would appear for home security
is a motion detector with a USB plug to activate a USB camera. The
software would save several photos or a video every time someone got
near the motion detector.

Is this on the market or do you have to actually rig something up?

Look in old books about animals or nature. It was common to see projects
for hiding film cameras in the wild, and trip wires that animals would
pull and the camera and flash would go off, getting photos.

You don't even need a motion detector, just the trip wire, and a
modification of the camera so you can trigger it with an external input.
Of course, there may be an issue of focus, most of them do autofocus and
that takes time.

Of course, once you've modified the camera, you could go with a motion


You don't even need a trip wire. Google "critter cam".

Best regards,

Bob Masta

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It happens that Bret Cahill formulated :
It seems like the very first thing that would appear for home security
is a motion detector with a USB plug to activate a USB camera. The
software would save several photos or a video every time someone got
near the motion detector.

Is this on the market or do you have to actually rig something up?

Bret Cahill
All of the webcams I have include motion detection and image capture
software on the CD that comes with the cam. And they provide on-line
Look at Logitech 920.
I have written software that can select any cam resolution available
(up to 1080p for the 920) and eMail the surveillance jpeg snaps
anywhere I want.

But you can also redirect images to a folder that your router can allow
FTP access to. e.g. Amped R20000G. There are several web servers out
there that can maintain access for dynamic IPs and allow access to your
folder from anywhere.
It happens that Bret Cahill formulated :

It seems like the very first thing that would appear for home security
is a motion detector with a USB plug to activate a USB camera.  The
software would save several photos or a video every time someone got
near the motion detector.

Is this on the market or do you have to actually rig something up?

Bret Cahill

All of the webcams I have include motion detection and image capture
software on the CD that comes with the cam.  And they provide on-line
Look at Logitech 920.
I have written software that can select any cam resolution available
(up to 1080p for the 920) and eMail the surveillance jpeg snaps
anywhere I want.

But you can also redirect images to a folder that your router can allow
FTP access to.  e.g. Amped R20000G.  There are several web servers out
there that can maintain access for dynamic IPs and allow access to your
folder from anywhere.
My GE W1233 seems to do time lapse (30 sec. interval) which might be
good enough unless the meth head is really wired.

This is a low outlay/low chance of success venture like a lottery

Bret Cahill

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