USB Cable - RHEL 6.2 and ISE 13.3




I'm having trouble using the "Platform Cable USB II" with my new linu

Basically, when I plug the USB cable into a windows box, the green ligh
comes on, but if I plug it into the Linux box, no light comes on. An
impact does not connect to the cable.

At first I got a message from impact saying to install windrvr 6. I ran th
install script for that and now impact will just say that it cannot connec
to the cable

I've also tried a solution from General S. here for an earlier version o
red hat which involved installing libusb and edits to the rules file, bu
that has not worked.

Has anyone else had success with this combination?

I have a web case which is crawling along at a snail's pace. How can Xilin
list this as a "supported" operating system? (rhetorical question)


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libusb is the way to go, I'm using it sucessfully with
As long as the programmer led does not got orange or green its a fxload
issue. make sure the firmware files and the rules are in place. try to
run fxload by hand to see if it works.
As soon as the LED is on you can try to find out where impact searches
for and create a symlink to your actual lib if needed.


On 12/03/2012 09:18 PM, hotrodtodd1968 wrote:

I'm having trouble using the "Platform Cable USB II" with my new linux

Basically, when I plug the USB cable into a windows box, the green light
comes on, but if I plug it into the Linux box, no light comes on. And
impact does not connect to the cable.

At first I got a message from impact saying to install windrvr 6. I ran the
install script for that and now impact will just say that it cannot connect
to the cable

I've also tried a solution from General S. here for an earlier version of
red hat which involved installing libusb and edits to the rules file, but
that has not worked.

Has anyone else had success with this combination?

I have a web case which is crawling along at a snail's pace. How can Xilinx
list this as a "supported" operating system? (rhetorical question)


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