Usage of Xilinx Library elements in ModelSim simulation



I like to simulate our design by using Xilinx library elements
(RAMB16_s4_s4) with ModelSim SE plus 5.7d (on PC). While using the
downloaded xilinx_lib_4.tcl file I obtain the following error

# Model Technology ModelSim SE vcom 5.7d Compiler 2003.05 May 10 2003
# -- Loading package standard
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Loading package vital_timing
# -- Loading package vital_primitives
# -- Loading package textio
# -- Compiling package vpackage
# -- Compiling package body vpackage
# -- Loading package vpackage
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vcom 5.7d Compiler 2003.05 May 10 2003
# -- Loading package standard
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Loading package vital_timing
# -- Compiling package vcomponents
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vcom 5.7d Compiler 2003.05 May 10 2003
# -- Loading package standard
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Loading package std_logic_arith
# -- Loading package std_logic_unsigned
# -- Loading package vital_timing
# -- Loading package vital_primitives
# -- Loading package textio
# -- Loading package vpackage
# -- Compiling entity x_and16
# -- Compiling architecture x_and16_v of x_and16
# -- Compiling entity x_and2
# -- Compiling architecture x_and2_v of x_and2
# -- Compiling entity x_and3
# -- Compiling architecture x_and3_v of x_and3
# -- Compiling entity x_and32
# -- Compiling architecture x_and32_v of x_and32
# -- Compiling entity x_and4
# -- Compiling architecture x_and4_v of x_and4
# -- Compiling entity x_and5
# -- Compiling architecture x_and5_v of x_and5
# -- Compiling entity x_and6
# -- Compiling architecture x_and6_v of x_and6
# -- Compiling entity x_and7
# -- Compiling architecture x_and7_v of x_and7
# -- Compiling entity x_and8
# -- Compiling architecture x_and8_v of x_and8
# -- Compiling entity x_and9
# -- Compiling architecture x_and9_v of x_and9
# -- Compiling entity x_bpad
# -- Compiling architecture x_bpad_v of x_bpad
# -- Compiling entity x_buf
# -- Compiling architecture x_buf_v of x_buf
# -- Compiling entity x_buf_pp
# -- Compiling architecture x_buf_pp_v of x_buf_pp
# -- Compiling entity x_bufgmux
# -- Compiling architecture x_bufgmux_v of x_bufgmux
# -- Compiling entity x_bufgmux_1
# -- Compiling architecture x_bufgmux_1_v of x_bufgmux_1
# -- Compiling entity x_ckbuf
# -- Compiling architecture x_ckbuf_v of x_ckbuf
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdll_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdll_maximum_period_check_v of
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdll
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdll_v of x_clkdll
# -- Loading entity x_clkdll_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdlle_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdlle_maximum_period_check_v of
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdlle
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdlle_v of x_clkdlle
# -- Loading entity x_clkdlle_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling entity dcm_clock_divide_by_2
# -- Compiling architecture dcm_clock_divide_by_2_v of
# -- Compiling entity dcm_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling architecture dcm_maximum_period_check_v of
# -- Compiling entity dcm_clock_lost
# -- Compiling architecture dcm_clock_lost_v of dcm_clock_lost
# -- Compiling entity x_dcm
# -- Compiling architecture x_dcm_v of x_dcm
# -- Loading entity dcm_clock_divide_by_2
# -- Loading entity dcm_maximum_period_check
# -- Loading entity dcm_clock_lost
# -- Compiling entity x_fddrcpe
# -- Compiling architecture x_fddrcpe_v of x_fddrcpe
# -- Compiling entity x_fddrrse
# -- Compiling architecture x_fddrrse_v of x_fddrrse
# -- Compiling entity x_ff
# -- Compiling architecture x_ff_v of x_ff
# -- Compiling entity x_ibufds
# -- Compiling architecture x_ibufds_v of x_ibufds
# -- Compiling entity x_inv
# -- Compiling architecture x_inv_v of x_inv
# -- Compiling entity x_ipad
# -- Compiling architecture x_ipad_v of x_ipad
# -- Compiling entity x_keeper
# -- Compiling architecture x_keeper_v of x_keeper
# -- Compiling entity x_latch
# -- Compiling architecture x_latch_v of x_latch
# -- Compiling entity x_latche
# -- Compiling architecture x_latche_v of x_latche
# -- Compiling entity x_lut2
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut2_v of x_lut2
# -- Compiling entity x_lut3
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut3_v of x_lut3
# -- Compiling entity x_lut4
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut4_v of x_lut4
# -- Compiling entity x_lut5
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut5_v of x_lut5
# -- Compiling entity x_lut6
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut6_v of x_lut6
# -- Compiling entity x_lut7
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut7_v of x_lut7
# -- Compiling entity x_lut8
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut8_v of x_lut8
# -- Compiling entity x_mult18x18
# -- Compiling architecture x_mult18x18_v of x_mult18x18
# -- Compiling entity x_mult18x18s
# ** Error:
ms/simprim_VITAL.vhd(9368): VITAL TISD timing generic must be a scalar
form of
# delay type
# (1076.4 section
# ** Error:
ms/simprim_VITAL.vhd(9369): VITAL TISD timing generic must be a scalar
form of
# delay type
# (1076.4 section
# ** Error:
ms/simprim_VITAL.vhd(9391): VHDL Compiler exiting

What can I do/where can I obtain already compiled Xilinx library
elements for simulation ?


Which version of the Xilinx tools are you using? The
xilinx_lib_4.tcl was written for ISE version 4.1i and should not be used
with newer versions of the tools. If you are using version 5.1i or
newer, you should be using the installed tool, compxlib in order to
compile the simulation libraries. For information on compxlib either
just type compxlib at the command prompt or look at the Synthesis and
Verification Design Guide at: If you
are using 6.1i or newer, this can also be done within Xilinx Project
Navigator. Search the on-line help for "simulation library compile" for

If that doesn't help, let me know which version of ISE you are using and
I might be able to figure out the problem.

-- Brian

J?rgen wrote:
I like to simulate our design by using Xilinx library elements
(RAMB16_s4_s4) with ModelSim SE plus 5.7d (on PC). While using the
downloaded xilinx_lib_4.tcl file I obtain the following error

# Model Technology ModelSim SE vcom 5.7d Compiler 2003.05 May 10 2003
# -- Loading package standard
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Loading package vital_timing
# -- Loading package vital_primitives
# -- Loading package textio
# -- Compiling package vpackage
# -- Compiling package body vpackage
# -- Loading package vpackage
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vcom 5.7d Compiler 2003.05 May 10 2003
# -- Loading package standard
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Loading package vital_timing
# -- Compiling package vcomponents
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vcom 5.7d Compiler 2003.05 May 10 2003
# -- Loading package standard
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Loading package std_logic_arith
# -- Loading package std_logic_unsigned
# -- Loading package vital_timing
# -- Loading package vital_primitives
# -- Loading package textio
# -- Loading package vpackage
# -- Compiling entity x_and16
# -- Compiling architecture x_and16_v of x_and16
# -- Compiling entity x_and2
# -- Compiling architecture x_and2_v of x_and2
# -- Compiling entity x_and3
# -- Compiling architecture x_and3_v of x_and3
# -- Compiling entity x_and32
# -- Compiling architecture x_and32_v of x_and32
# -- Compiling entity x_and4
# -- Compiling architecture x_and4_v of x_and4
# -- Compiling entity x_and5
# -- Compiling architecture x_and5_v of x_and5
# -- Compiling entity x_and6
# -- Compiling architecture x_and6_v of x_and6
# -- Compiling entity x_and7
# -- Compiling architecture x_and7_v of x_and7
# -- Compiling entity x_and8
# -- Compiling architecture x_and8_v of x_and8
# -- Compiling entity x_and9
# -- Compiling architecture x_and9_v of x_and9
# -- Compiling entity x_bpad
# -- Compiling architecture x_bpad_v of x_bpad
# -- Compiling entity x_buf
# -- Compiling architecture x_buf_v of x_buf
# -- Compiling entity x_buf_pp
# -- Compiling architecture x_buf_pp_v of x_buf_pp
# -- Compiling entity x_bufgmux
# -- Compiling architecture x_bufgmux_v of x_bufgmux
# -- Compiling entity x_bufgmux_1
# -- Compiling architecture x_bufgmux_1_v of x_bufgmux_1
# -- Compiling entity x_ckbuf
# -- Compiling architecture x_ckbuf_v of x_ckbuf
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdll_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdll_maximum_period_check_v of
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdll
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdll_v of x_clkdll
# -- Loading entity x_clkdll_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdlle_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdlle_maximum_period_check_v of
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdlle
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdlle_v of x_clkdlle
# -- Loading entity x_clkdlle_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling entity dcm_clock_divide_by_2
# -- Compiling architecture dcm_clock_divide_by_2_v of
# -- Compiling entity dcm_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling architecture dcm_maximum_period_check_v of
# -- Compiling entity dcm_clock_lost
# -- Compiling architecture dcm_clock_lost_v of dcm_clock_lost
# -- Compiling entity x_dcm
# -- Compiling architecture x_dcm_v of x_dcm
# -- Loading entity dcm_clock_divide_by_2
# -- Loading entity dcm_maximum_period_check
# -- Loading entity dcm_clock_lost
# -- Compiling entity x_fddrcpe
# -- Compiling architecture x_fddrcpe_v of x_fddrcpe
# -- Compiling entity x_fddrrse
# -- Compiling architecture x_fddrrse_v of x_fddrrse
# -- Compiling entity x_ff
# -- Compiling architecture x_ff_v of x_ff
# -- Compiling entity x_ibufds
# -- Compiling architecture x_ibufds_v of x_ibufds
# -- Compiling entity x_inv
# -- Compiling architecture x_inv_v of x_inv
# -- Compiling entity x_ipad
# -- Compiling architecture x_ipad_v of x_ipad
# -- Compiling entity x_keeper
# -- Compiling architecture x_keeper_v of x_keeper
# -- Compiling entity x_latch
# -- Compiling architecture x_latch_v of x_latch
# -- Compiling entity x_latche
# -- Compiling architecture x_latche_v of x_latche
# -- Compiling entity x_lut2
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut2_v of x_lut2
# -- Compiling entity x_lut3
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut3_v of x_lut3
# -- Compiling entity x_lut4
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut4_v of x_lut4
# -- Compiling entity x_lut5
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut5_v of x_lut5
# -- Compiling entity x_lut6
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut6_v of x_lut6
# -- Compiling entity x_lut7
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut7_v of x_lut7
# -- Compiling entity x_lut8
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut8_v of x_lut8
# -- Compiling entity x_mult18x18
# -- Compiling architecture x_mult18x18_v of x_mult18x18
# -- Compiling entity x_mult18x18s
# ** Error:
ms/simprim_VITAL.vhd(9368): VITAL TISD timing generic must be a scalar
form of
# delay type
# (1076.4 section
# ** Error:
ms/simprim_VITAL.vhd(9369): VITAL TISD timing generic must be a scalar
form of
# delay type
# (1076.4 section
# ** Error:
ms/simprim_VITAL.vhd(9391): VHDL Compiler exiting

What can I do/where can I obtain already compiled Xilinx library
elements for simulation ?

Hi Brian,
thanks for your answer. Now, it works fine.

Jürgen (J?rgen) wrote in message news:<>...
I like to simulate our design by using Xilinx library elements
(RAMB16_s4_s4) with ModelSim SE plus 5.7d (on PC). While using the
downloaded xilinx_lib_4.tcl file I obtain the following error

# Model Technology ModelSim SE vcom 5.7d Compiler 2003.05 May 10 2003
# -- Loading package standard
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Loading package vital_timing
# -- Loading package vital_primitives
# -- Loading package textio
# -- Compiling package vpackage
# -- Compiling package body vpackage
# -- Loading package vpackage
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vcom 5.7d Compiler 2003.05 May 10 2003
# -- Loading package standard
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Loading package vital_timing
# -- Compiling package vcomponents
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vcom 5.7d Compiler 2003.05 May 10 2003
# -- Loading package standard
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Loading package std_logic_arith
# -- Loading package std_logic_unsigned
# -- Loading package vital_timing
# -- Loading package vital_primitives
# -- Loading package textio
# -- Loading package vpackage
# -- Compiling entity x_and16
# -- Compiling architecture x_and16_v of x_and16
# -- Compiling entity x_and2
# -- Compiling architecture x_and2_v of x_and2
# -- Compiling entity x_and3
# -- Compiling architecture x_and3_v of x_and3
# -- Compiling entity x_and32
# -- Compiling architecture x_and32_v of x_and32
# -- Compiling entity x_and4
# -- Compiling architecture x_and4_v of x_and4
# -- Compiling entity x_and5
# -- Compiling architecture x_and5_v of x_and5
# -- Compiling entity x_and6
# -- Compiling architecture x_and6_v of x_and6
# -- Compiling entity x_and7
# -- Compiling architecture x_and7_v of x_and7
# -- Compiling entity x_and8
# -- Compiling architecture x_and8_v of x_and8
# -- Compiling entity x_and9
# -- Compiling architecture x_and9_v of x_and9
# -- Compiling entity x_bpad
# -- Compiling architecture x_bpad_v of x_bpad
# -- Compiling entity x_buf
# -- Compiling architecture x_buf_v of x_buf
# -- Compiling entity x_buf_pp
# -- Compiling architecture x_buf_pp_v of x_buf_pp
# -- Compiling entity x_bufgmux
# -- Compiling architecture x_bufgmux_v of x_bufgmux
# -- Compiling entity x_bufgmux_1
# -- Compiling architecture x_bufgmux_1_v of x_bufgmux_1
# -- Compiling entity x_ckbuf
# -- Compiling architecture x_ckbuf_v of x_ckbuf
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdll_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdll_maximum_period_check_v of
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdll
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdll_v of x_clkdll
# -- Loading entity x_clkdll_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdlle_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdlle_maximum_period_check_v of
# -- Compiling entity x_clkdlle
# -- Compiling architecture x_clkdlle_v of x_clkdlle
# -- Loading entity x_clkdlle_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling entity dcm_clock_divide_by_2
# -- Compiling architecture dcm_clock_divide_by_2_v of
# -- Compiling entity dcm_maximum_period_check
# -- Compiling architecture dcm_maximum_period_check_v of
# -- Compiling entity dcm_clock_lost
# -- Compiling architecture dcm_clock_lost_v of dcm_clock_lost
# -- Compiling entity x_dcm
# -- Compiling architecture x_dcm_v of x_dcm
# -- Loading entity dcm_clock_divide_by_2
# -- Loading entity dcm_maximum_period_check
# -- Loading entity dcm_clock_lost
# -- Compiling entity x_fddrcpe
# -- Compiling architecture x_fddrcpe_v of x_fddrcpe
# -- Compiling entity x_fddrrse
# -- Compiling architecture x_fddrrse_v of x_fddrrse
# -- Compiling entity x_ff
# -- Compiling architecture x_ff_v of x_ff
# -- Compiling entity x_ibufds
# -- Compiling architecture x_ibufds_v of x_ibufds
# -- Compiling entity x_inv
# -- Compiling architecture x_inv_v of x_inv
# -- Compiling entity x_ipad
# -- Compiling architecture x_ipad_v of x_ipad
# -- Compiling entity x_keeper
# -- Compiling architecture x_keeper_v of x_keeper
# -- Compiling entity x_latch
# -- Compiling architecture x_latch_v of x_latch
# -- Compiling entity x_latche
# -- Compiling architecture x_latche_v of x_latche
# -- Compiling entity x_lut2
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut2_v of x_lut2
# -- Compiling entity x_lut3
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut3_v of x_lut3
# -- Compiling entity x_lut4
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut4_v of x_lut4
# -- Compiling entity x_lut5
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut5_v of x_lut5
# -- Compiling entity x_lut6
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut6_v of x_lut6
# -- Compiling entity x_lut7
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut7_v of x_lut7
# -- Compiling entity x_lut8
# -- Compiling architecture x_lut8_v of x_lut8
# -- Compiling entity x_mult18x18
# -- Compiling architecture x_mult18x18_v of x_mult18x18
# -- Compiling entity x_mult18x18s
# ** Error:
ms/simprim_VITAL.vhd(9368): VITAL TISD timing generic must be a scalar
form of
# delay type
# (1076.4 section
# ** Error:
ms/simprim_VITAL.vhd(9369): VITAL TISD timing generic must be a scalar
form of
# delay type
# (1076.4 section
# ** Error:
ms/simprim_VITAL.vhd(9391): VHDL Compiler exiting

What can I do/where can I obtain already compiled Xilinx library
elements for simulation ?


Welcome to

