sunitha frnd
The US has 13 million tonnes of rare earth elements but it would take
years to extract them, suggests the first detailed report on the
country's supply.
"Rare earth" is an alternative name for the lanthanides elements 57
to 71 plus yttrium and scandium. China controls 97 per cent of the
world's supply and has been tightening its export quotas, sparking
concerns that the rare
earths could live up to their name.
See a map of other rare earth sites in the US.
The report suggests the US might break its dependency on China's rare
earth monopoly by looking to other future suppliers of rare earths,
including Australia and Canada.
years to extract them, suggests the first detailed report on the
country's supply.
"Rare earth" is an alternative name for the lanthanides elements 57
to 71 plus yttrium and scandium. China controls 97 per cent of the
world's supply and has been tightening its export quotas, sparking
concerns that the rare
earths could live up to their name.
See a map of other rare earth sites in the US.
The report suggests the US might break its dependency on China's rare
earth monopoly by looking to other future suppliers of rare earths,
including Australia and Canada.