Urgent : Xilinx PACE question



Help me please to fixe the folowing probleme:

When i open PACE window (ISE 6.1)to create area constrainte (region),
in the design broser window (top most left window in PACE) there are 3
folders : I/O pins, Global Logic and Logic, this last one should
containe the logic of my design(by blocks) but its empty, Why? how to
fixe this? is it because the tool dont keep the heararchy of the
Note: this happen when i use VHDL entrance to ISE tool,but does not if
i use Synplify to synthesis my design and then i entre EDIF file to
ISE(her i can see and plce my blocks).

This is very important for me since i need to place manualy some
blocks of my design to get a better speed.

Thanks for any help.
benkhalh@hotmail.com (Oleg) wrote in message news:<5f8ab9cc.0407070601.1b243a93@posting.google.com>...
Help me please to fixe the folowing probleme:

When i open PACE window (ISE 6.1)to create area constrainte (region),
in the design broser window (top most left window in PACE) there are 3
folders : I/O pins, Global Logic and Logic, this last one should
containe the logic of my design(by blocks) but its empty, Why? how to
fixe this? is it because the tool dont keep the heararchy of the
Note: this happen when i use VHDL entrance to ISE tool,but does not if
i use Synplify to synthesis my design and then i entre EDIF file to
ISE(her i can see and plce my blocks).

This is very important for me since i need to place manualy some
blocks of my design to get a better speed.

Thanks for any help.
I'm not an expert on this (I've barely begun to use the tool), but
wouldn't you normally do this in the Floorplanner? The Floorplanner
comes up blank for me, but then I open <design_file>.ncd, and the
design layout is displayed. I think this is where the manual
placement is supposed to occur.
benkhalh@hotmail.com (Oleg) wrote in message news:<5f8ab9cc.0407070601.1b243a93@posting.google.com>...
Help me please to fixe the folowing probleme:

When i open PACE window (ISE 6.1)to create area constrainte (region),
in the design broser window (top most left window in PACE) there are 3
folders : I/O pins, Global Logic and Logic, this last one should
containe the logic of my design(by blocks) but its empty, Why? how to
fixe this? is it because the tool dont keep the heararchy of the
If you have choosen Property Keep Hierarchy "NO", then you can place
only hole design. When you select Keep Hierarchy "Yes" then you can
place allso sub modules and so on.

try using the incremental design flow?


"Oleg" <benkhalh@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Help me please to fixe the folowing probleme:

When i open PACE window (ISE 6.1)to create area constrainte (region),
in the design broser window (top most left window in PACE) there are 3
folders : I/O pins, Global Logic and Logic, this last one should
containe the logic of my design(by blocks) but its empty, Why? how to
fixe this? is it because the tool dont keep the heararchy of the
Note: this happen when i use VHDL entrance to ISE tool,but does not if
i use Synplify to synthesis my design and then i entre EDIF file to
ISE(her i can see and plce my blocks).

This is very important for me since i need to place manualy some
blocks of my design to get a better speed.

Thanks for any help.
"Yttrium" <Yttrium@pandora.be> wrote in message news:<ueaHc.178265$9C7.8746094@phobos.telenet-ops.be>...
try using the incremental design flow?


"Oleg" <benkhalh@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Help me please to fixe the folowing probleme:

When i open PACE window (ISE 6.1)to create area constrainte (region),
in the design broser window (top most left window in PACE) there are 3
folders : I/O pins, Global Logic and Logic, this last one should
containe the logic of my design(by blocks) but its empty, Why? how to
fixe this? is it because the tool dont keep the heararchy of the
Note: this happen when i use VHDL entrance to ISE tool,but does not if
i use Synplify to synthesis my design and then i entre EDIF file to
ISE(her i can see and plce my blocks).

This is very important for me since i need to place manualy some
blocks of my design to get a better speed.

Thanks for any help.


Yes, the option keep_hierarchy = 'yes' did realy help to solve this,
but the area occupation increases because of this and i have no idea
how to overcome this, or at least reduce it...???
I will conceder the incremental design to see what it gonna give.

Thaks guys
Oleg wrote:
Yes, the option keep_hierarchy = 'yes' did realy help to solve this,
but the area occupation increases because of this and i have no idea
how to overcome this, or at least reduce it...???
In general, with a well thought out design hierarchy,
KEEP_HIERARCHY=TRUE generally does not have much effect on area. There
are three reasons that come to mind as to why you could see an increased
area due to KEEP_HIERARCHY. The first happens only when you do not
register the boundaries of your hierarchy (particularly the outputs).
If you have a data path that transverses several levels of hierarchy
from start to finish, it is possible when you use KEEP_HIERARCHY that
that path would not be as optimized as it could be and in order to
retain the proper footprint and logic within the hierarchy that it would
need more logic levels (LUTs) to build that data. Again, if you
register the outputs of each module hierarchy, this can not happen. The
next place that you may see in increase in logic used has to do with
resource sharing. Synthesis tools can identify arithmetic operators
(and other logic) and restructure it to use less logic. For instance:

C = A+B;
C = C+D;

The following logic can use one adder with two MUXes on the inputs or
use two adders with one MUX on the output. Both implementations yield
the same result but would have different logic utilization. If however
it was coded so that one adder is in one hierarchy and one is in
another, that opportunity to combine the two adders could not happen.
Again, with registered outputs at the hierarchy boundaries, this becomes
a less likely scenario but can happen if you do not. Finally, synthesis
tools do some optimizations like removal of duplicate registers that can
be obstructed with the use of KEEP_HIERARCHY. In general this should
not account to a large increase in design size and is somewhat rare but
can certainly happen.

The other thing that can happen with hierarchy retention is a
performance degradation. This too generally only has a significant
effect on designs with poorly chosen hierarchy boundaries. The biggest
cause of performance degradation with this methodology is the same as I
mentioned above where added logic levels (LUTs) are needed to form a
function in which the data path spans several hierarchy layers. This
not only adds to the resources necessary but also adds to the time it
takes to get from one point to another. Another time performance can be
hindered by KEEP_HIERARCHY is with register duplication. If an input or
output signal at a hierarchy boundary has several sources or loads (a
high fan-in/fan-out) it can limit the synthesis and back-end tools
ability to do register or logic duplication to ease timing. Since you
are trying to keep the original boundaries to the interface, the tools
can not add ports to the interface in order to do this duplication.

Keeping hierarchy for a design has many benefits for improved constraint
entry, floorplanning and verification and sometimes can improve
performance and reduce runtimes but you must be careful in how the
original design hierarchy is laid out in order to not get the opposite
effects. So what should you do. As mentioned before, register the
hierarchy boundaries where possible (especially the outputs). This is a
good design practice to follow in general. Understand where resource
sharing opportunities exist in your design and change the hierarchy to
take advantage of this to save resources and can also improve timing.
Also, be alert to where you feel critical timing paths may exist in the
design (i.e. paths with lots of logic level, high fan-outs, etc.) Try
to either keep those contained within a level of hierarchy, do manual
duplication or other design practices to ensure this methodology will
not hurt you more than it will help you. And finally, be selective in
where you keep your hierarchy. rarely is it advantageous to keep
everything in the design. On retain the hierarchy that will help you
with constraint entry, floorplanning and/or verification and let it
flatten elsewhere. In general, the most benefits are seen when you do
not take a global approach of keeping or flattening a design and instead
are selective in what hierarchy should stay and what should go.

A fairly good document on this topic is the Synthesis and Verification
Design Guide
(http://toolbox.xilinx.com/docsan/xilinx6/books/docs/sim/sim.pdf). In
Chapter 6 there is a section called Design hierarchy and Simulation that
explains most of the concepts I mention above. Also there is a section
in the "General HDL Coding Styles" chapter on resource sharing if you
are interested.

Hope this helps.

-- Brian

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