Upper current limit on micro-miniature tactile snap-action s



Determined that the problem with my waffle iron is the power switch, which
was apparently not up to the demands placed on it by the engineers who
designed the beast. Switch was totally burned out, which I missed at first
thinking that the JH3001 was a solid state fuse, and not the SPST relay that
it actually is. Am now wondering how heavy a switch I can put on the
control board that acts as a user interface. Would like to stay with the
same type of switch that it came with, but that may not be advisable.
Anyone have any idea how much current a tiny (1/4" x 1/4" x 13/64" tall)
snap-action switch might be able to handle? And where to get that heavier
duty switch? Any help is appreciated. I'm wonderig if I will end up
putting a standard push-button switch in its place and eliminate the plastic
spacer that fills the void between the PC board and the outside world.


Dave wrote:
Determined that the problem with my waffle iron is the power switch, which
was apparently not up to the demands placed on it by the engineers who
designed the beast. Switch was totally burned out, which I missed at first
thinking that the JH3001 was a solid state fuse, and not the SPST relay that
it actually is. Am now wondering how heavy a switch I can put on the
control board that acts as a user interface. Would like to stay with the
same type of switch that it came with, but that may not be advisable.
Anyone have any idea how much current a tiny (1/4" x 1/4" x 13/64" tall)
snap-action switch might be able to handle? And where to get that heavier
duty switch? Any help is appreciated. I'm wonderig if I will end up
putting a standard push-button switch in its place and eliminate the plastic
spacer that fills the void between the PC board and the outside world.



I would go for the last solution, when the spacer allows it.
Count yourself lucky that there is any space.......

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