Malcolm Reeves
Just a note to say that my pspice tips page,
www.fullcircuit.com/psptips.htm has update method for importing pspice
schematic and plots into MS Word. The method should work with any CAD
(or other) app to any word processor with wmf file import.
The fixes address issues like fonts, clipping and other conversion
Malcolm Reeves BSc CEng MIEE MIRSE, Full Circuit Ltd, Chippenham, UK
(mreeves@fullcircuit.com, mreeves@fullcircuit.co.uk or mreeves@iee.org).
Design Service for Analogue/Digital H/W & S/W Railway Signalling and Power
electronics. More details plus freeware, Win95/98 DUN and Pspice tips, see:
http://www.fullcircuit.com or http://www.fullcircuit.co.uk
NEW - Desktop ToDo/Reminder program (free)
Just a note to say that my pspice tips page,
www.fullcircuit.com/psptips.htm has update method for importing pspice
schematic and plots into MS Word. The method should work with any CAD
(or other) app to any word processor with wmf file import.
The fixes address issues like fonts, clipping and other conversion
Malcolm Reeves BSc CEng MIEE MIRSE, Full Circuit Ltd, Chippenham, UK
(mreeves@fullcircuit.com, mreeves@fullcircuit.co.uk or mreeves@iee.org).
Design Service for Analogue/Digital H/W & S/W Railway Signalling and Power
electronics. More details plus freeware, Win95/98 DUN and Pspice tips, see:
http://www.fullcircuit.com or http://www.fullcircuit.co.uk
NEW - Desktop ToDo/Reminder program (free)