Update - Sony model KDS 60-A2000 dreaded blinking led

Original problem - Won't power up. Power led blinking 4 times. Called
Sony for blink code troubleshooting, rep said it meant power supply
problem to lamp or backlight (I did give her the correct model #), and
she proceeded to direct me to the nearest authorized Sony tech. After
work, I opened set and checked voltage at lamp power board - OK.
Unplugged set and plugged back in. This time before shutdown, I saw an
arc between R-6500 and lamp power cord plug on main PB. I bent the
resistor away from the plug. Plugged set back in, now getting the 5
led blink code. Time to turn in. Next day got my hands on a service
manual. It says the 4 blink code is a fan problem, NOT LAMP, and the 5
blink is lamp driver. Next day checked power again to lamp board,
nothing. Nothing coming from main board either. Checked R-6500 and it
was open. Replaced with .47ohm 1/2 fusible resistor and set back to
normal finally. Iv'e never seen a resistor behave like that, but I
don't do this for a living either. Couldn't believe I was misdirected
by Sony rep on the blink code. Hope this repair tip helps someone else
visiting this group. Thanks for the previous replies all. Until

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