I'm building a high gain current amplifier with a LT1793 and a 10GOhm
resistor. It has the following problems:
I measured the frequency response by blasting in white noise thru
another large resistor. The frequency response is relatively flat up to
about 100 Hz, has a very slight rise, and then falls off at a corner
freq ~200Hz with a rolloff that looks a little bit faster than 1 pole.
I tried that "RCR trick", but all that did was make the freq response
fall off more slowly, more like 1 pole. (This "trick" is supposed to
cancel out the parallel capacitance of the feedback resistor) It also
makes the noise of the amp fairly flat (with freq) so that at higher
frequencies, the S/N gets worse. I have tested this amp with and
without an additional 80pF worth of input capacitance (to simulate the
system this will be measuring) and the results are about the same.
So I don't know why the frequency response of this amp drops off while
the noise does not. Is there some parasitic capacitance elsewhere, or
is it because this amp is running high gain, and I need to use some kind
of composite amp config to improve the freq response?
resistor. It has the following problems:
I measured the frequency response by blasting in white noise thru
another large resistor. The frequency response is relatively flat up to
about 100 Hz, has a very slight rise, and then falls off at a corner
freq ~200Hz with a rolloff that looks a little bit faster than 1 pole.
I tried that "RCR trick", but all that did was make the freq response
fall off more slowly, more like 1 pole. (This "trick" is supposed to
cancel out the parallel capacitance of the feedback resistor) It also
makes the noise of the amp fairly flat (with freq) so that at higher
frequencies, the S/N gets worse. I have tested this amp with and
without an additional 80pF worth of input capacitance (to simulate the
system this will be measuring) and the results are about the same.
So I don't know why the frequency response of this amp drops off while
the noise does not. Is there some parasitic capacitance elsewhere, or
is it because this amp is running high gain, and I need to use some kind
of composite amp config to improve the freq response?