UPDATE: Dell Optiplex SX260 Computer Won't Boot Up



Every 2200uf 6.3V 105 deg. odd brand/no brand electrolytic capacitor
(about 12) is bad on the mother board. Regarding the brand, I see what looks
like, "2DIVDK", and in another location there is a "M" in a circle.

There were no bulges in any cap, but a loss of capacitance as measured
via a digital cap tester showing around 1400uf to 1500uf for these 2200/6.3
caps. Often an increase in ESR will cause a lower cap reading on this tester.
My ESR meter is not useful on large capacity caps.

I will order replacements, but since I have other good working computers,
I am in no hurry.

Thanks again to everyone for your replies, John

Every 2200uf 6.3V 105 deg. odd brand/no brand electrolytic capacitor
(about 12) is bad on the mother board. Regarding the brand, I see what
like, "2DIVDK", and in another location there is a "M" in a circle.

There were no bulges in any cap, but a loss of capacitance as measured
via a digital cap tester showing around 1400uf to 1500uf for these
** A significant loss of uFs indicates VERY bad caps with high ESRs.

Cos ESR rises first as the electrolyte vanishes up and only later does
capacitance drop.

.... Phil

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