I have a simple LED flasher programmed on a PIC16F877A, but the output
of the pin (RC4) is always high unless I say put my finger on any one of
the other pins, then the LED flashes as expected.
I presume this is capacitance related but what is happening and how can
I rectify it ?
The circuit is extremely simple, two 15pF caps on a 4Mhz crystal, an LED
and 1k resistor on an output pin RC4.
Thanks !
I have a simple LED flasher programmed on a PIC16F877A, but the output
of the pin (RC4) is always high unless I say put my finger on any one of
the other pins, then the LED flashes as expected.
I presume this is capacitance related but what is happening and how can
I rectify it ?
The circuit is extremely simple, two 15pF caps on a 4Mhz crystal, an LED
and 1k resistor on an output pin RC4.
Thanks !