unregulated wall-wart


Shane Kirkman

How can I regulate a unregulated wall-wart i.e.:3.7v stated 8.2v measured.

Thanks Shane.
"Shane Kirkman" <shanekirkman@yahoo.com.au> wrote in message
How can I regulate a unregulated wall-wart i.e.:3.7v stated 8.2v measured.

Thanks Shane.
You should measure the voltage with some load. A transformer will read
somewhat high unless it has a load attached. However, 8.2 is very high for a
3.7V output wart.

There are regulator ICs you can buy from various sources (in the US, the
ubiquitous radio shack) to regulate an unregulated DC down to a regulated,
lower (usually about 3 volts lower) DC voltage. The famous 78xx series will
give you a regulated voltage given that higher voltage and ground. The xx
stands for the output voltage you'll get. In the US, they are a couple of
dollars max.

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