Unknown IC



I have IC 04041803 manufactured by GI. Package is DIL 40.
There is no datasheet or any info about.

Anyone help?

Thanks in advance!
On 04/23/2013 7:44 AM, Electro wrote:
I have IC 04041803 manufactured by GI. Package is DIL 40.
There is no datasheet or any info about.

Anyone help?

Thanks in advance!
That looks like a "House Number", in which case ECG/TCG may have a
replacement for it. Otherwise you have to hope the manufacturer supports
whatever this is out of and can supply you with a replacement.

Of course you could always send it to a company that specializes in
reverse engineering and they can take the top off and figure out what it
is...however that is usually insanely expensive if the item is a toaster
or microwave oven.

John :-#)#

(Please post followups or tech enquiries to the newsgroup)
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
On Tue, 23 Apr 2013, Electro wrote:

I have IC 04041803 manufactured by GI. Package is DIL 40.
There is no datasheet or any info about.

Anyone help?

Thanks in advance!

No, as the other buy pointed out, it's a house number. Even if it's a
renumbered generic part, chances are good it's a microcontroller (GI made
what might be the predecssors of the PIC controllers), and once you've got
that, chances are good it has the actual software inside in ROM. So if
there's a generic version, it won't do you any good since you don't have
the software.

The more pins an IC has, the more likely it's specialized.

The information you left out was where this IC was. If it was just lying
by itself, there's no way it's worth any effort. If it's inside something
and it actually needs replacing, then nobody will be able to help without
information on what it was in, what the device did.

On 4/24/2013 8:16 PM, Michael Black wrote:

Thanks, I was hoping that someone have some datasheet or know something
about that ic. Thought if there any use for my vintage computer project :)

No, as the other buy pointed out, it's a house number. Even if it's a
renumbered generic part, chances are good it's a microcontroller (GI
made what might be the predecssors of the PIC controllers), and once
you've got that, chances are good it has the actual software inside in
ROM. So if there's a generic version, it won't do you any good since
you don't have the software.

The more pins an IC has, the more likely it's specialized.

The information you left out was where this IC was. If it was just
lying by itself, there's no way it's worth any effort. If it's inside
something and it actually needs replacing, then nobody will be able to
help without information on what it was in, what the device did.


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