2 vital functions only via missing remote control, not available to buy or
borrow, to copy/learn from or to make a simple 2 function r/c. The other
functions are setup menus that have no need to be on a remote.
7 data lines to 3x4 ,12 switch matrix on the unit and no odd spare lines.
Large proprietory BGA controller does the decoding so totally hidden, no
separate IR decoder available to monitor.
Tried 5 "universal" zappers in quick search but no change from on to
Any ideas for at least cracking the ident/start code ?
Is it always the case that this ident code repeated after a gap is always
the code for on to standby operation?
Any off-the-wall suggestions for consideration? eg 2 fans/ motorised vanes
at variable analogue voltages interrupting pulsed beam of order 20 to 40
microsec repeat rate
borrow, to copy/learn from or to make a simple 2 function r/c. The other
functions are setup menus that have no need to be on a remote.
7 data lines to 3x4 ,12 switch matrix on the unit and no odd spare lines.
Large proprietory BGA controller does the decoding so totally hidden, no
separate IR decoder available to monitor.
Tried 5 "universal" zappers in quick search but no change from on to
Any ideas for at least cracking the ident/start code ?
Is it always the case that this ident code repeated after a gap is always
the code for on to standby operation?
Any off-the-wall suggestions for consideration? eg 2 fans/ motorised vanes
at variable analogue voltages interrupting pulsed beam of order 20 to 40
microsec repeat rate