Understanding F. Mim's Pulse Generator

Hi All,

I know this is probably a rather trivial question / circuit for most
people in this group, but since I'm having a hard time visualizing
exactly what is going on in the circuit I was hoping someone here
might not mind giving me some additional insight into what is going

The circuit is the 2 transistor Pulse Generator from Forrest Mim's
Electronics Formulas, Symbols and Circuits mini notebook. Below is a
link to a screenshot of my simulation schematic / transient output.

-- VG1 is just a unit step, going from 0V to 5V at 1ms


I've been going through some of the circuits in the notebook, trying
to figure out how they work, etc.. In doing so, after thinking I knew
how they worked, I was testing them out using both pspice, and tina
ti, to see if they were working as I thought, etc... A good portion of
the circuits in the notebook don't seem to work in simulation though,
or at least not for me. I was wondering if it's an error on my part,
or if the models in the simulators are just too ideal for some of
these circuits to produce the proper outputs in simulation?

So, back to the pulse generator. I was thinking about it for a few
hours and after the simulation didn't work as expected, I built the
circuit on a breadboard and tested it out with my tek 475 scope. I
unfortunately only have one probe, which is making it hard for me to
get a grasp on what's going on - having to move the scope probe from
point to point, etc...


My real question is how does everyone else look at this type of a
circuit? And, does anyone have any tips I could use to better figure
circuits like this out at first glance ( or even a few quick
calculations )?

When I first looked at the circuit it seemed like it might not work.
It seemed to me that the PNP transistor would always be on - at 1ms
( when VG1 goes to 5V and the voltage across C1 is 0V ) the base would
be biased to 5V-0.6V ~ 4.4V right? ( current would be flowing at this
point through the cap ). I was thinking this would be enough to turn
the PNP on, which would then turn the NPN on. It would seem like C1
would continue to charge up until there was some sort of a balance
between the current flowing into the collector of the NPN and the
current flowing through C1 - and maybe that is how this circuit works
( but I'm still not sure ).

With regard to the simulation - it looks like the left side of C1 is
pulled to 0V, the right side of C1 is pulled to 4.4V via D1, and then
a steady state condition is reached in the circuit where both the PNP
and NPN are always on. This does seem flawed to me, but I've been
thinking that if I was ever to try and design my own circuits ( even
something similar to this ), it would be extremely tedious to have to
do it on a breadboard each time - it would be nice to rough things out
in a simulation program first.

When I was testing the circuit on the breadboard, the voltage drop
accross C1 was oscillating accross 0V by a very slight amount. It
seemed like this was what was causing the PNP or NPN to turn on for
the short pulse duration. I'm still not sure how this is working
though ( I'm having a hard time visualizing it working ) - to me it
seems that the PNP would always be on due to the 1.5M resistor to
ground, and that the base of the PNP would seem to have a biasing
voltage of at least 5V-VD1-VR2~4.4V ( Veb ~ 0.6V, should be enough to
turn the eb diode in the PNP on ). With the PNP on, the NPN would be
on and it would seem like the output would always just be 5V-VD1~4.4V.
Obviously this is not the case as I've tested it on the breadboard and
it works as advertised in the engineer's notebook, which is why I'm
posting this question to you.

Any help, tips or insights would be most helpful,
Best Regards,
On 2008-12-06, mindviz@gmail.com <mindviz@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,

I know this is probably a rather trivial question / circuit for most
people in this group, but since I'm having a hard time visualizing
exactly what is going on in the circuit I was hoping someone here
might not mind giving me some additional insight into what is going

The circuit is the 2 transistor Pulse Generator from Forrest Mim's
Electronics Formulas, Symbols and Circuits mini notebook. Below is a
link to a screenshot of my simulation schematic / transient output.

the circuit illustrated delays the rising edge on the supply/input by
about 3ms

if you instead connet you v+ node to +5V and drive your ground node
with 5V square wave the circuit will produce a low pulse pulse of about 3ms
each time the square wave switches from 5V to 0V (you may need a
pull-up on the output.

I think you have the wrong value for R1: spice takes both 'M' and 'm'
to mean milli- if you want mega- use 'meg'

I.O.W. change the value of R1 from '1M' to '1Meg' or '1000k'

hope that helps.
On Dec 6, 4:32 pm, Jasen Betts <ja...@xnet.co.nz> wrote:
On 2008-12-06, mind...@gmail.com <mind...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I know this is probably a rather trivial question / circuit for most
people in this group, but since I'm having a hard time visualizing
exactly what is going on in the circuit I was hoping someone here
might not mind giving me some additional insight into what is going

The circuit is the 2 transistor Pulse Generator from Forrest Mim's
Electronics Formulas, Symbols and Circuits mini notebook. Below is a
link to a screenshot of my simulation schematic / transient output.


the circuit illustrated delays the rising edge on the supply/input by
about 3ms

if you instead connet you v+ node to +5V and drive your ground node
with 5V square wave the circuit will produce a low pulse pulse of about 3ms
each time the square wave switches from 5V to 0V (you may need a
pull-up on the output.

I think you have the wrong value for R1:  spice takes both 'M' and 'm'
to mean milli-  if you want mega- use 'meg'

I.O.W. change the value of R1 from '1M' to '1Meg' or '1000k'

hope that helps.
Thanks for the info, I did just try 1Meg in Tina TI and it wouldn't
take that - it says '1eg is not a valid floating point value' when I
try '1Meg' and if I put 1000000 it changes it to 1M.

I'm going to try the square wave at the ground input in the simulation
and see if that does anything there. I need to get a function
generator, as I don't have one on hand to test that out on the

On 2008-12-06, mindviz@gmail.com <mindviz@gmail.com> wrote:
On Dec 6, 4:32 pm, Jasen Betts <ja...@xnet.co.nz> wrote:
On 2008-12-06, mind...@gmail.com <mind...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I know this is probably a rather trivial question / circuit for most
people in this group, but since I'm having a hard time visualizing
exactly what is going on in the circuit I was hoping someone here
might not mind giving me some additional insight into what is going

The circuit is the 2 transistor Pulse Generator from Forrest Mim's
Electronics Formulas, Symbols and Circuits mini notebook. Below is a
link to a screenshot of my simulation schematic / transient output.


the circuit illustrated delays the rising edge on the supply/input by
about 3ms

if you instead connet you v+ node to +5V and drive your ground node
with 5V square wave the circuit will produce a low pulse pulse of about 3ms
each time the square wave switches from 5V to 0V (you may need a
pull-up on the output.

I think you have the wrong value for R1:  spice takes both 'M' and 'm'
to mean milli-  if you want mega- use 'meg'

I.O.W. change the value of R1 from '1M' to '1Meg' or '1000k'

hope that helps.

Thanks for the info, I did just try 1Meg in Tina TI and it wouldn't
take that - it says '1eg is not a valid floating point value' when I
try '1Meg' and if I put 1000000 it changes it to 1M.
ok, Tina must be different to others...

I'm going to try the square wave at the ground input in the simulation
and see if that does anything there. I need to get a function
generator, as I don't have one on hand to test that out on the
dowmload switchercadIII from linear.com and try this schematic

#-----CUT BELOW HERE----- save as circuit.asc
Version 4
SHEET 1 880 680
WIRE 16 -480 -144 -480
WIRE 464 -480 16 -480
WIRE 16 -400 -48 -400
WIRE 192 -400 16 -400
WIRE 272 -400 192 -400
WIRE 352 -400 336 -400
WIRE 368 -400 352 -400
WIRE 464 -304 464 -480
WIRE 272 -288 80 -288
WIRE 352 -288 352 -400
WIRE 352 -288 336 -288
WIRE -144 -240 -144 -480
WIRE -48 -240 -48 -400
WIRE -48 -240 -144 -240
WIRE 192 -192 192 -400
WIRE -144 -144 -144 -240
WIRE -48 -144 -48 -240
WIRE 80 -144 80 -208
WIRE 128 -144 80 -144
WIRE 352 -144 352 -288
WIRE 288 -96 192 -96
WIRE 80 -80 80 -144
WIRE 352 0 352 -48
WIRE 464 0 464 -224
WIRE 464 0 352 0
WIRE 528 0 464 0
WIRE -144 16 -144 -64
WIRE -112 16 -144 16
WIRE -48 16 -48 -64
WIRE -48 16 -80 16
WIRE 352 32 352 0
WIRE 80 64 80 0
WIRE 128 64 80 64
WIRE 160 64 160 0
WIRE 160 64 128 64
WIRE -144 160 -144 16
WIRE -48 160 -48 16
WIRE 0 160 -48 160
WIRE 128 160 128 64
WIRE 128 160 0 160
WIRE 352 160 352 112
WIRE 352 160 128 160
FLAG -144 160 0
FLAG 528 0 out
FLAG 16 -400 top
FLAG 0 160 bottom
FLAG 16 -480 supply
SYMBOL npn 288 -144 R0
SYMATTR Value 2N2222
SYMBOL pnp 128 -96 M180
SYMATTR Value 2N2907
SYMBOL res 64 -96 R0
SYMATTR Value 1meg
SYMBOL res 64 -304 R0
SYMATTR Value 470
SYMBOL res 336 16 R0
SYMATTR Value 50
SYMBOL cap 336 -304 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 100n
SYMBOL diode 272 -384 R270
WINDOW 0 32 32 VTop 0
WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 0
SYMATTR Value 1N914
SYMBOL voltage -48 -160 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 5 0 .000001 .000001 .01 .02)
SYMBOL res 448 -320 R0
SYMATTR Value 1meg
SYMBOL voltage -144 -160 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
TEXT -82 216 Left 0 !.tran 0.1
#-----CUT ABOVE HERE----- save as circuit.asc
On Dec 6, 10:58 pm, Jasen Betts <ja...@xnet.co.nz> wrote:
On 2008-12-06, mind...@gmail.com <mind...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Dec 6, 4:32 pm, Jasen Betts <ja...@xnet.co.nz> wrote:
On 2008-12-06, mind...@gmail.com <mind...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I know this is probably a rather trivial question / circuit for most
people in this group, but since I'm having a hard time visualizing
exactly what is going on in the circuit I was hoping someone here
might not mind giving me some additional insight into what is going

The circuit is the 2 transistor Pulse Generator from Forrest Mim's
Electronics Formulas, Symbols and Circuits mini notebook. Below is a
link to a screenshot of my simulation schematic / transient output.


the circuit illustrated delays the rising edge on the supply/input by
about 3ms

if you instead connet you v+ node to +5V and drive your ground node
with 5V square wave the circuit will produce a low pulse pulse of about 3ms
each time the square wave switches from 5V to 0V (you may need a
pull-up on the output.

I think you have the wrong value for R1:  spice takes both 'M' and 'm'
to mean milli-  if you want mega- use 'meg'

I.O.W. change the value of R1 from '1M' to '1Meg' or '1000k'

hope that helps.

Thanks for the info, I did just try 1Meg in Tina TI and it wouldn't
take that - it says '1eg is not a valid floating point value' when I
try '1Meg' and if I put 1000000 it changes it to 1M.

ok, Tina must be different to others...

I'm going to try the square wave at the ground input in the simulation
and see if that does anything there. I need to get a function
generator, as I don't have one on hand to test that out on the

dowmload switchercadIII from linear.com and try this schematic

#-----CUT BELOW HERE----- save as circuit.asc
Version 4
SHEET 1 880 680
WIRE 16 -480 -144 -480
WIRE 464 -480 16 -480
WIRE 16 -400 -48 -400
WIRE 192 -400 16 -400
WIRE 272 -400 192 -400
WIRE 352 -400 336 -400
WIRE 368 -400 352 -400
WIRE 464 -304 464 -480
WIRE 272 -288 80 -288
WIRE 352 -288 352 -400
WIRE 352 -288 336 -288
WIRE -144 -240 -144 -480
WIRE -48 -240 -48 -400
WIRE -48 -240 -144 -240
WIRE 192 -192 192 -400
WIRE -144 -144 -144 -240
WIRE -48 -144 -48 -240
WIRE 80 -144 80 -208
WIRE 128 -144 80 -144
WIRE 352 -144 352 -288
WIRE 288 -96 192 -96
WIRE 80 -80 80 -144
WIRE 352 0 352 -48
WIRE 464 0 464 -224
WIRE 464 0 352 0
WIRE 528 0 464 0
WIRE -144 16 -144 -64
WIRE -112 16 -144 16
WIRE -48 16 -48 -64
WIRE -48 16 -80 16
WIRE 352 32 352 0
WIRE 80 64 80 0
WIRE 128 64 80 64
WIRE 160 64 160 0
WIRE 160 64 128 64
WIRE -144 160 -144 16
WIRE -48 160 -48 16
WIRE 0 160 -48 160
WIRE 128 160 128 64
WIRE 128 160 0 160
WIRE 352 160 352 112
WIRE 352 160 128 160
FLAG -144 160 0
FLAG 528 0 out
FLAG 16 -400 top
FLAG 0 160 bottom
FLAG 16 -480 supply
SYMBOL npn 288 -144 R0
SYMATTR Value 2N2222
SYMBOL pnp 128 -96 M180
SYMATTR Value 2N2907
SYMBOL res 64 -96 R0
SYMATTR Value 1meg
SYMBOL res 64 -304 R0
SYMATTR Value 470
SYMBOL res 336 16 R0
SYMATTR Value 50
SYMBOL cap 336 -304 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 100n
SYMBOL diode 272 -384 R270
WINDOW 0 32 32 VTop 0
WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 0
SYMATTR Value 1N914
SYMBOL voltage -48 -160 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 5 0 .000001 .000001 .01 .02)
SYMBOL res 448 -320 R0
SYMATTR Value 1meg
SYMBOL voltage -144 -160 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
TEXT -82 216 Left 0 !.tran 0.1
#-----CUT ABOVE HERE----- save as circuit.asc- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
Thanks for the sheet.

It did work a bit more as expected, though the pulse width is way
longer than it should be. It looks like that 5V pulse is having a big
influence on the output. The pulse width should be only 100us, not

I'm also curious as to why you tied the supply's +V to the output via
the 1Meg resistor?


I still don't fully understand why you added the pulse generator in
there. Is it because it will make the power supply non-ideal, and that
is what makes the circuit not reach a steady state condition?

I removed the pulse generator and the 1Meg resistor from V+ to the
output, and it outputs basically what I was seeing in the other
simulator programs.


I'm also still trying to figure out what you mean by the circuit
delays the +V line by 3ms? On the breadboard with my oscilloscope I
don't see anything that represents this ( the positive voltage rail is
quite steady ). The pulse width at the output is very small ( 200us )
and I set it up with the 1Meg resistor being a 2Meg trimmer ( which
controls the pulse frequency ), and I was able to get the period down
really low, much lower than 3ms.

To me it seems like I'm just not understanding the relationship
between the capacitor, the PNP and the NPN. I know there is probably
some sort of feedback going on here, possibly positive feedback?


On Sat, 6 Dec 2008 08:16:49 -0800 (PST), mindviz@gmail.com wrote:

Hi All,

I know this is probably a rather trivial question / circuit for most
people in this group, but since I'm having a hard time visualizing
exactly what is going on in the circuit I was hoping someone here
might not mind giving me some additional insight into what is going

The circuit is the 2 transistor Pulse Generator from Forrest Mim's
Electronics Formulas, Symbols and Circuits mini notebook. Below is a
link to a screenshot of my simulation schematic / transient output.

-- VG1 is just a unit step, going from 0V to 5V at 1ms


I've been going through some of the circuits in the notebook, trying
to figure out how they work, etc.. In doing so, after thinking I knew
how they worked, I was testing them out using both pspice, and tina
ti, to see if they were working as I thought, etc... A good portion of
the circuits in the notebook don't seem to work in simulation though,
or at least not for me. I was wondering if it's an error on my part,
or if the models in the simulators are just too ideal for some of
these circuits to produce the proper outputs in simulation?

So, back to the pulse generator. I was thinking about it for a few
hours and after the simulation didn't work as expected, I built the
circuit on a breadboard and tested it out with my tek 475 scope. I
unfortunately only have one probe, which is making it hard for me to
get a grasp on what's going on - having to move the scope probe from
point to point, etc...


My real question is how does everyone else look at this type of a
circuit? And, does anyone have any tips I could use to better figure
circuits like this out at first glance ( or even a few quick
calculations )?

When I first looked at the circuit it seemed like it might not work.
It seemed to me that the PNP transistor would always be on - at 1ms
( when VG1 goes to 5V and the voltage across C1 is 0V ) the base would
be biased to 5V-0.6V ~ 4.4V right? ( current would be flowing at this
point through the cap ). I was thinking this would be enough to turn
the PNP on, which would then turn the NPN on. It would seem like C1
would continue to charge up until there was some sort of a balance
between the current flowing into the collector of the NPN and the
current flowing through C1 - and maybe that is how this circuit works
( but I'm still not sure ).

With regard to the simulation - it looks like the left side of C1 is
pulled to 0V, the right side of C1 is pulled to 4.4V via D1, and then
a steady state condition is reached in the circuit where both the PNP
and NPN are always on. This does seem flawed to me, but I've been
thinking that if I was ever to try and design my own circuits ( even
something similar to this ), it would be extremely tedious to have to
do it on a breadboard each time - it would be nice to rough things out
in a simulation program first.

When I was testing the circuit on the breadboard, the voltage drop
accross C1 was oscillating accross 0V by a very slight amount. It
seemed like this was what was causing the PNP or NPN to turn on for
the short pulse duration. I'm still not sure how this is working
though ( I'm having a hard time visualizing it working ) - to me it
seems that the PNP would always be on due to the 1.5M resistor to
ground, and that the base of the PNP would seem to have a biasing
voltage of at least 5V-VD1-VR2~4.4V ( Veb ~ 0.6V, should be enough to
turn the eb diode in the PNP on ). With the PNP on, the NPN would be
on and it would seem like the output would always just be 5V-VD1~4.4V.
Obviously this is not the case as I've tested it on the breadboard and
it works as advertised in the engineer's notebook, which is why I'm
posting this question to you.

Any help, tips or insights would be most helpful,
Best Regards,
What exactly is the circuit supposed to do? It looks like it will
delay a positive pulse by some interval. The interval depends on the
RC constant of the capacitor and the 1 MEG resistor.

However, it does not look like it will oscillate on its own.

Bob Monsen
On Dec 7, 7:40 pm, Robert Monsen <rcmon...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, 6 Dec 2008 08:16:49 -0800 (PST), mind...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi All,

I know this is probably a rather trivial question / circuit for most
people in this group, but since I'm having a hard time visualizing
exactly what is going on in the circuit I was hoping someone here
might not mind giving me some additional insight into what is going

The circuit is the 2 transistor Pulse Generator from Forrest Mim's
Electronics Formulas, Symbols and Circuits mini notebook. Below is a
link to a screenshot of my simulation schematic / transient output.

-- VG1 is just a unit step, going from 0V to 5V at 1ms


I've been going through some of the circuits in the notebook, trying
to figure out how they work, etc.. In doing so, after thinking I knew
how they worked, I was testing them out using both pspice, and tina
ti, to see if they were working as I thought, etc... A good portion of
the circuits in the notebook don't seem to work in simulation though,
or at least not for me. I was wondering if it's an error on my part,
or if the models in the simulators are just too ideal for some of
these circuits to produce the proper outputs in simulation?

So, back to the pulse generator. I was thinking about it for a few
hours and after the simulation didn't work as expected, I built the
circuit on a breadboard and tested it out with my tek 475 scope. I
unfortunately only have one probe, which is making it hard for me to
get a grasp on what's going on - having to move the scope probe from
point to point, etc...


My real question is how does everyone else look at this type of a
circuit? And, does anyone have any tips I could use to better figure
circuits like this out at first glance ( or even a few quick
calculations )?

When I first looked at the circuit it seemed like it might not work.
It seemed to me that the PNP transistor would always be on - at 1ms
( when VG1 goes to 5V and the voltage across C1 is 0V ) the base would
be biased to 5V-0.6V ~ 4.4V right? ( current would be flowing at this
point through the cap ). I was thinking this would be enough to turn
the PNP on, which would then turn the NPN on. It would seem like C1
would continue to charge up until there was some sort of a balance
between the current flowing into the collector of the NPN and the
current flowing through C1 - and maybe that is how this circuit works
( but I'm still not sure ).

With regard to the simulation - it looks like the left side of C1 is
pulled to 0V, the right side of C1 is pulled to 4.4V via D1, and then
a steady state condition is reached in the circuit where both the PNP
and NPN are always on. This does seem flawed to me, but I've been
thinking that if I was ever to try and design my own circuits ( even
something similar to this ), it would be extremely tedious to have to
do it on a breadboard each time - it would be nice to rough things out
in a simulation program first.

When I was testing the circuit on the breadboard, the voltage drop
accross C1 was oscillating accross 0V by a very slight amount. It
seemed like this was what was causing the PNP or NPN to turn on for
the short pulse duration. I'm still not sure how this is working
though ( I'm having a hard time visualizing it working ) - to me it
seems that the PNP would always be on due to the 1.5M resistor to
ground, and that the base of the PNP would seem to have a biasing
voltage of at least 5V-VD1-VR2~4.4V ( Veb ~ 0.6V, should be enough to
turn the eb diode in the PNP on ). With the PNP on, the NPN would be
on and it would seem like the output would always just be 5V-VD1~4.4V.
Obviously this is not the case as I've tested it on the breadboard and
it works as advertised in the engineer's notebook, which is why I'm
posting this question to you.

Any help, tips or insights would be most helpful,
Best Regards,

What exactly is the circuit supposed to do? It looks like it will
delay a positive pulse by some interval. The interval depends on the
RC constant of the capacitor and the 1 MEG resistor.

However, it does not look like it will oscillate on its own.

 Bob Monsen- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
It's a pulse generator circuit, I've been trying to figure out some of
the circuits in F. Mim's Engineer's Mini Notebook - and this one
stumped me a bit. If R1 is a trimmer you can adjust the pulse
frequency, and if you change C1 you can change the pulse width.

The positive pulse is definitely delayed by R1, but what I'm having
problems figuring out is how this circuit exactly works. It seems like
the PNP is always biased on to me by R1's connection to ground. C1
will charge via +V through the diode, so as that charges, it would
also seem like the other end of the cap will be pulled closer to
ground as well, as less current is able to flow through it. If the PNP
is always on, then the NPN would also be on, and there would be no
pulsing at all - which is what shows up when I try and simulate the
circuit as is, in pspice.

I'm pretty good working with microcontrollers, digital logic, etc...
Filters with capacitors and inductors also make sense to me, but for
some reason I just can't wrap my head around the full picture of what
is going on in this particular circuit.

if anyone else has any insights on this, I'd love to hear them. Seems
like sci.electronics.basics is a bit thin nowadays :(
On 2008-12-07, mindviz@gmail.com <mindviz@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks for the sheet.

It did work a bit more as expected, though the pulse width is way
longer than it should be. It looks like that 5V pulse is having a big
influence on the output. The pulse width should be only 100us, not
I had the wrong PNP transistor
also reducing the timing components speeds it up.
but the main thing seems to be the slope of the input signal

I'm also curious as to why you tied the supply's +V to the output via
the 1Meg resistor?
that was a brain fart. it has no effect on the circuit

I still don't fully understand why you added the pulse generator in
there. Is it because it will make the power supply non-ideal, and that
is what makes the circuit not reach a steady state condition?
AIUI the circuit takes a square wave input and produces a pulse on the
negative-going edges.

I removed the pulse generator and the 1Meg resistor from V+ to the
output, and it outputs basically what I was seeing in the other
simulator programs.


I'm also still trying to figure out what you mean by the circuit
delays the +V line by 3ms? On the breadboard with my oscilloscope I
don't see anything that represents this ( the positive voltage rail is
quite steady ). The pulse width at the output is very small ( 200us )
and I set it up with the 1Meg resistor being a 2Meg trimmer ( which
controls the pulse frequency ), and I was able to get the period down
really low, much lower than 3ms.
bread-board is probably not the best way to build pulse circuits as
the inter-track capacitance is quite high.

I can make the circuit oscillate by shifting the bottom end of the 1M
resistor to the output node.

To me it seems like I'm just not understanding the relationship
between the capacitor, the PNP and the NPN. I know there is probably
some sort of feedback going on here, possibly positive feedback?
it's a wierd circuit, what does the book say it's supposed to do?

I get radically different behavior by adjusting the slope of the
pulse input...

On Dec 8, 4:57 am, Jasen Betts <ja...@xnet.co.nz> wrote:
On 2008-12-07, mind...@gmail.com <mind...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks for the sheet.

It did work a bit more as expected, though the pulse width is way
longer than it should be. It looks like that 5V pulse is having a big
influence on the output. The pulse width should be only 100us, not

I had the wrong PNP transistor
also reducing the timing components speeds it up.
but the main thing seems to be the slope of the input signal

I'm also curious as to why you tied the supply's +V to the output via
the 1Meg resistor?

that was a brain fart. it has no effect on the circuit

I still don't fully understand why you added the pulse generator in
there. Is it because it will make the power supply non-ideal, and that
is what makes the circuit not reach a steady state condition?

AIUI the circuit takes a square wave input and produces a pulse on the
negative-going edges.

I removed the pulse generator and the 1Meg resistor from V+ to the
output, and it outputs basically what I was seeing in the other
simulator programs.


I'm also still trying to figure out what you mean by the circuit
delays the +V line by 3ms? On the breadboard with my oscilloscope I
don't see anything that represents this ( the positive voltage rail is
quite steady ). The pulse width at the output is very small ( 200us )
and I set it up with the 1Meg resistor being a 2Meg trimmer ( which
controls the pulse frequency ), and I was able to get the period down
really low, much lower than 3ms.

bread-board is probably not the best way to build pulse circuits as
the inter-track capacitance is quite high.

I can make the circuit oscillate by shifting the bottom end of the 1M
resistor to the output node.

To me it seems like I'm just not understanding the relationship
between the capacitor, the PNP and the NPN. I know there is probably
some sort of feedback going on here, possibly positive feedback?

it's a wierd circuit, what does the book say it's supposed to do?

I get radically different behavior by adjusting the slope of the
pulse input...

Thanks for the continued responses on this.. The main reason why I
asked was because this mini notebook doesn't describe how any of the
circuits work, so it's up to the reader. It's more of a small quick
reference book - the type they sell at Radio Shack.

I think I just figured out how the circuit works, even though I'm not
100% sure on this - it seems like the most obvious answer to why this
circuit works. Any additional feedback on these thoughts of mine would
be great - let me know if you think I'm on the dot with this answer.


As C1 charges through R1 & R2, the PNP transistor's base will not be
able to pass enough current to ground through R1 in order to be on.
This is because when the capacitor first starts to charge up it will
pass a maximum of current, and this will block the PNP from being able
to pass enough current to be on. Once C1 charges to a point where the
current through it is low enough for the PNP to pass enough of it's
own through R1, the PNP will turn on, and thus the NPN will turn on.
At this point both transistors will be on, and the charge that was
collected on C1 will then quickly discharge through the NPN to the
load. After C1 discharges the PNP, and thus NPN, will turn off and
we'll be back to the initial charge cycle.

The pulse width is determined by C1 because the PNP & NPN are only
held on as long as the capacitor is holding enough charge for it to
not pass enough current to prevent the PNP from being biased on.

The frequency of the pulse is determined by R1 because that determines
how long it takes for the capacitor to charge up. As it charges less
current flows and at some point in that RC curve the PNP will be able
to pass enough of it's own base current to ground via R1 to bias on.


Let me know if you think I figured it out, it sounds pretty good to

I'm still not sure why it won't work in simulation, unless the
simulator just figures the base of the PNP will be able to pass as
much current as it needs - regardless of what is passing through C1.
That would be why in the simulation the PNP is always on.


I'm still not sure why it won't work in simulation, unless the
simulator just figures the base of the PNP will be able to pass as
much current as it needs - regardless of what is passing through C1.
That would be why in the simulation the PNP is always on.

I just snipped Jasen's cct a bit and changed the transistors

Version 4
SHEET 1 880 680
WIRE 192 -400 -48 -400
WIRE 272 -400 192 -400
WIRE 352 -400 336 -400
WIRE 272 -288 80 -288
WIRE 352 -288 352 -400
WIRE 352 -288 336 -288
WIRE 192 -192 192 -400
WIRE -48 -144 -48 -400
WIRE 80 -144 80 -208
WIRE 128 -144 80 -144
WIRE 352 -144 352 -288
WIRE 288 -96 192 -96
WIRE 80 -80 80 -144
WIRE 352 0 352 -48
WIRE 528 0 352 0
WIRE 352 32 352 0
WIRE 80 64 80 0
WIRE 128 64 80 64
WIRE -48 160 -48 -64
WIRE 128 160 128 64
WIRE 128 160 -48 160
WIRE 352 160 352 112
WIRE 352 160 128 160
WIRE -48 176 -48 160
FLAG 528 0 out
FLAG -48 176 0
SYMBOL npn 288 -144 R0
SYMBOL pnp 128 -96 M180
SYMBOL res 64 -96 R0
SYMATTR Value 1meg
SYMBOL res 64 -304 R0
SYMATTR Value 470
SYMBOL res 336 16 R0
SYMATTR Value 50
SYMBOL cap 336 -304 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 100n
SYMBOL diode 272 -384 R270
WINDOW 0 32 32 VTop 0
WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 0
SYMATTR Value 1N914
SYMBOL voltage -48 -160 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 3 24 44 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 5 0.02 10n 10n 0.08)
TEXT -80 216 Left 0 !.tran 0.1
On Dec 8, 8:58 am, "IanM" <nos...@nospam.co.uk> wrote:
I'm still not sure why it won't work in simulation, unless the
simulator just figures the base of the PNP will be able to pass as
much current as it needs - regardless of what is passing through C1.
That would be why in the simulation the PNP is always on.

I just snipped Jasen's cct a bit and changed the transistors

Version 4
SHEET 1 880 680
WIRE 192 -400 -48 -400
WIRE 272 -400 192 -400
WIRE 352 -400 336 -400
WIRE 272 -288 80 -288
WIRE 352 -288 352 -400
WIRE 352 -288 336 -288
WIRE 192 -192 192 -400
WIRE -48 -144 -48 -400
WIRE 80 -144 80 -208
WIRE 128 -144 80 -144
WIRE 352 -144 352 -288
WIRE 288 -96 192 -96
WIRE 80 -80 80 -144
WIRE 352 0 352 -48
WIRE 528 0 352 0
WIRE 352 32 352 0
WIRE 80 64 80 0
WIRE 128 64 80 64
WIRE -48 160 -48 -64
WIRE 128 160 128 64
WIRE 128 160 -48 160
WIRE 352 160 352 112
WIRE 352 160 128 160
WIRE -48 176 -48 160
FLAG 528 0 out
FLAG -48 176 0
SYMBOL npn 288 -144 R0
SYMBOL pnp 128 -96 M180
SYMBOL res 64 -96 R0
SYMATTR Value 1meg
SYMBOL res 64 -304 R0
SYMATTR Value 470
SYMBOL res 336 16 R0
SYMATTR Value 50
SYMBOL cap 336 -304 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 100n
SYMBOL diode 272 -384 R270
WINDOW 0 32 32 VTop 0
WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 0
SYMATTR Value 1N914
SYMBOL voltage -48 -160 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 3 24 44 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 5 0.02 10n 10n 0.08)
TEXT -80 216 Left 0 !.tran 0.1
Thanks for the updated sheet Ian, You did leave the voltage source as
a pulse - when I changed it to +5V DC it still worked as epected.

When I tested the circuit on my breadboard I was using 2N2222 and
2N3906, and it worked - weird how it won't work properly in the
simulation with those same transistors.


So, what I find now in the simulation is that what I thought was going
on in the circuit is not.


From the above screenshot you can see that there is no direct relation
between the current that is going through R2 ( same as through C1 ),
R1 and the base of the PNP transistor. I was thinking that the large
current through C1 when it was beginning to charge would offset the
current through the base of the PNP. Which would keep the PNP off
until the capacitor (C1) was charge up to a point that would have
limited the current through it enough to allow the base current of the
PNP to be large enough for it to turn on.

Since the above isn't the case, at least in the simulation - does
anyone have a better explanation for what is going on here?


I'm going to keep playing with this to try and figure it out more.

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