I was measuring the internal resistance of a D'arsovnal meter.
When I connected my PS, the meter started oscillating, I quickly
disconnected my PS and checked it, it seemed fine.
I reconnected the PS, and just let it oscillate until it stopped.
So I made a video 28V, 400k ohm series resistor and the meter,
The spec's, 55 ohms internal resistance and 124uA FS.
No big deal, just never saw a meter swing so much. Yes, I went high
series resistance to maximize the oscillation. No, I don't have a
parallel resistor to dampen it.
When I connected my PS, the meter started oscillating, I quickly
disconnected my PS and checked it, it seemed fine.
I reconnected the PS, and just let it oscillate until it stopped.
So I made a video 28V, 400k ohm series resistor and the meter,
The spec's, 55 ohms internal resistance and 124uA FS.
No big deal, just never saw a meter swing so much. Yes, I went high
series resistance to maximize the oscillation. No, I don't have a
parallel resistor to dampen it.