Unconstrained ports for synthesis


Mohammed A khader

Hi all,

I am having a component Multiplier with unconstrained ports. But this
is not my top_level_entity and ports are implicity constrained while
instanciating this component.

It simulates well but while synthezing Quartus says that ports must be
constrained. I think that Quartus could infer it from instanciation
syntax. Is there any solution to get around it


-- Mohammed A Khader.

-- Error messages are......

Error: VHDL Entity Declaration error at Multiplier_Synth.Vhd(26):
ports must be constrained
Error: VHDL Entity Declaration error at Multiplier_Synth.Vhd(27): ports
must be constrained
Error: VHDL Entity Declaration error at Multiplier_Synth.Vhd(28): ports
must be constrained
Error: Can't elaborate user hierarchy
Error: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 4 errors, 0
Error: Processing ended: Wed Apr 20 16:33:52 2005
Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:05

-- My Multiplier component is .........
entity Multiplier_Synth is
Op1 : in signed; -- Operator 1
Op2 : in signed; -- Operator 2
Mult_Out : out signed -- Multiplication Result
end entity Multiplier_Synth;

architecture Multiplier_Synth_Arch of Multiplier_Synth is
Mult_Out <= Op1 * Op2;
end architecture Multiplier_Synth_Arch;

-- And it has been instantiated in an entity called Datapath_Map as

signal Mux1_Out : WORD20; -- Output of Mux1
signal Mux2_Out : WORD; -- Output of Mux2
signal Mult_Out : signed(39 downto 0); -- Multiplier Output

Multiplier_Map : entity work.Multiplier_Synth(Multiplier_Synth_Arch)
port map(
Op1 => Mux1_Out,
Op2 => Mux2_Out,
Mult_Out => Mult_Out

Mux1_Out , Mux2_Out and Mult_Out are constrained signals . Hence
Op1,Op2,Mult_Out implicitly can be constrained by bit length of
20,20,40 respectively.


-- Mohammed A Khader.
Hello Mohammed,

We will be adding support for unconstrained entity ports in 5.1,
due out later this year (we need to get 5.0 out first :)). In the
interim please use the generic approach suggested by Ralf.

Hope this helps,
Subroto Datta
Altera Corp.

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