Unconstrained array for output port in generic :/

I'm fairly new to generics, consequently I'm having problems :)

I'm trying to create an entity with 'width' bits in and 'nbits'x'width'
bits out. I'm trying to use an unconstrained array to do this, but I'm
getting compile errors...

# ** Error: C:/Modeltech_6.0c/work/srsipo.vhd(34): near "array":

Any ideas? Thanks.



library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.srsipo_pkg.all;

entity srsipo is
generic (
nbits : integer;
width : integer
port (

-- input
rst_na : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
din : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
-- output
dout : out array (width-1 downto 0)
of std_logic_vector(nbits-1 downto 0)

end srsipo;

You have to define a type, that will be used for dout.
I'm not sure I understand. Why do I have to define a type for dout?

At the moment, you try to define a type AND use it at the same time. The type should be defined in a package.
Where am I defining a type for dout? I'm using a standard array of type
std_logic_vector for the output port declaration... Besides, if I put a
type in my local package, the top level won't be able to see what the
type definition is, right?

I'm not too worried about synthesis and it's hard to see how things are
working when dealing with an enormous vector, i.e. my length*width =
I understand that the package includes the type, but since I am using a
generic, how is the package going to know how to constrain the

I guess the problem is that you can't have an array of
std_logic_vectors. I tried to compile:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

package srsipo_g_pkg is

-- constants
-- types
-- type ARRAYSTDLV_T is array(natural range <>) of
std_logic_vector(natural range <>);
type ARRAY2DOFBIT_T is array(natural range <>, natural range <>) of

end srsipo_g_pkg;

But I get a compile error on the first type (commented out now). I did
some searching and it seems I can't do that. Some usenet threads on
this area suggested using an unconstrained array of type bit, as I have
written above, which compiled and simulated correctly.

I can't remember the reason, but I was always told by profs to avoid
use of bit and bit_vector for synthesis, and not to mix my designs with
std_logic_vector and bit_vector. Is this true?

I have both Ashenden's Designer's Guide and Cohen's book, but neither
seem to mention how to create generics with 2d ports in this manner, so
I'm a bit frustrated... I want to write realy solid, reusable VHDL
here. How is this issue addressed in practice? Bit arrays seem like a


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