Where would they have come from ? some batch of other double tetrodes and
markings removed ? all Chinese script so scrubbed off ?
4 presumably ECC83 in a Laney (not originals) all test bad C/H leakage and
bad/ low or marginally good gain. Not a trace of any marking , as low power
valves, presumably no marking originally. They look like any other ECC83, no
bad cut metal/ broken mica or any other indication of bad manufacture.
Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on
markings removed ? all Chinese script so scrubbed off ?
4 presumably ECC83 in a Laney (not originals) all test bad C/H leakage and
bad/ low or marginally good gain. Not a trace of any marking , as low power
valves, presumably no marking originally. They look like any other ECC83, no
bad cut metal/ broken mica or any other indication of bad manufacture.
Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on