I'm trying to make a 24kHz ultrasonic transmitter capable of sending
AM serial data to a receiver over a min 30ft range. I have no scope or
frequency counter (looking for a counter locally) and have managed to
get it just-going on occasion over a couple of feet by using high
tolerance components and using an ultrasonic tone controlled switch
kitset as a tuning referance. I'd foolishly thought when I bought the
kit "What are the chances of there being 24kHz lurking about?" Pretty
good actually. Drop a tool on the garage floor, tap the workbench and
away she'd go. Lucky I didn't connect it to the main garage door!
At present I have a 16F84A PIC sending serial out at T1200 (True
logic) to the reset pin of a 555 timer set for 24kHz. Its output goes
to a 4069 inverter that drives a transducer. The inverter is wired in
parallel, 180 degrees shifted for maximum output. My PIC programmer is
old and doesn't go beyond the 16F84A which is why I'm trying to do it
this way.
If I connect the TX PIC serial output pin straight to the RX PIC
serial input pin then the receiving LED lights up during the program
cycle just fine. However if I connect the 555 output pin to the RX PIC
then it lights up only occasionally. A sync problem I'm guessing
caused by the 555 duty cycle? It was set to 55% and I changed it to
50% which made things worse. I'm unsure what to do here as I read that
the duty cycle for a transducer should be less than 60% for it to
operate properly and also that connecting a transducer straight to a
555 isn't a good idea. The 555 isn't stable at the resonant frequency
as a reverse voltage causes the frequency to jump about.
I've just seen a circuit where a modulated input goes to the Control
Voltage pin of a 555 (astable mode), the output having a pullup
resistor. Another circuit provides control over the duty cycle without
changing the output pulse frequency.
I can combine them and try it but is it the best way to go about this?
Is there a better way considering the limitations of my PIC?
Perhaps a tone controller or are they not fast enough?
Maybe going up to 40kHz with a crystal locked TX inverter as in the
link below but how does one connect it to the PIC for serial AM? I
have a 40Khz crystal I pulled from some old junk which I could use and
the crystal eliminates tuning. I can't find any 24kHz crystals
Any advice on how to go about making this work reliably welcome.
I'm trying to make a 24kHz ultrasonic transmitter capable of sending
AM serial data to a receiver over a min 30ft range. I have no scope or
frequency counter (looking for a counter locally) and have managed to
get it just-going on occasion over a couple of feet by using high
tolerance components and using an ultrasonic tone controlled switch
kitset as a tuning referance. I'd foolishly thought when I bought the
kit "What are the chances of there being 24kHz lurking about?" Pretty
good actually. Drop a tool on the garage floor, tap the workbench and
away she'd go. Lucky I didn't connect it to the main garage door!
At present I have a 16F84A PIC sending serial out at T1200 (True
logic) to the reset pin of a 555 timer set for 24kHz. Its output goes
to a 4069 inverter that drives a transducer. The inverter is wired in
parallel, 180 degrees shifted for maximum output. My PIC programmer is
old and doesn't go beyond the 16F84A which is why I'm trying to do it
this way.
If I connect the TX PIC serial output pin straight to the RX PIC
serial input pin then the receiving LED lights up during the program
cycle just fine. However if I connect the 555 output pin to the RX PIC
then it lights up only occasionally. A sync problem I'm guessing
caused by the 555 duty cycle? It was set to 55% and I changed it to
50% which made things worse. I'm unsure what to do here as I read that
the duty cycle for a transducer should be less than 60% for it to
operate properly and also that connecting a transducer straight to a
555 isn't a good idea. The 555 isn't stable at the resonant frequency
as a reverse voltage causes the frequency to jump about.
I've just seen a circuit where a modulated input goes to the Control
Voltage pin of a 555 (astable mode), the output having a pullup
resistor. Another circuit provides control over the duty cycle without
changing the output pulse frequency.
I can combine them and try it but is it the best way to go about this?
Is there a better way considering the limitations of my PIC?
Perhaps a tone controller or are they not fast enough?
Maybe going up to 40kHz with a crystal locked TX inverter as in the
link below but how does one connect it to the PIC for serial AM? I
have a 40Khz crystal I pulled from some old junk which I could use and
the crystal eliminates tuning. I can't find any 24kHz crystals
Any advice on how to go about making this work reliably welcome.