Ultiboard 2001 Question



O.K. I have just recently downloaded the demo for Ultiboard 2001 from
Electronics Workbench. I am having a problem with the Rip-up and Retry
Internal Router. It continually give me an error message. All other
functions seem to work ok. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
I am using this with Multisim Power Pro. So far this is the only board
layout package that seems to work with Multisim 2001 properly. Any
help would be appreciated.



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On 7 Jul 2004 01:51:56 -0700, DMBPrescott@aol.com (Don Prescott)

My commiserations. Ultiboard has become an awful product. The router
- originally the Bartels router, which worked quite well on it's own
has been integrated by EWS, and the result is an abomination in my
opinion. I think it's nigh on unuseable. But if you're hooked on
MultiSIM and want integration then I guess you're stuck with

What have I got? I use Pulsonix PCB with the integrated Pulsonix
Spice. This is a truly great product and eats MultiSIM/Ultiboard for
breakfast. I would really struggle if I were forced to switch to EWS.
Give it a try on www.pulsonix.com and see if you don't agree.


Thanks for your reply. I kinda figured Ultiboard was not so good. I do
like Multisim 2001 fairly well (I guess because it is the one I am
most familiar with). I think these companies intentionally design
their products to be used only with their line, as I have yet to find
anything that is truly compatible with the output of Multisim. Oh
well, I will just have to suffer through the limitations. I am just
toying with some designs as a hobby. If I were doing it
professionally, I would probably want something much better.

Thnak you ver much


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