UK: Long range (25m+) PIR detector required



We have a large garden and need a PIR unit (or preferably all in one
unit/light) that will cover to the bottom of the garden. All the units
from the usual suspects (B&Q, RS etc) seem to have a range of no
better than 15m whereas I require detection at about 25/30m. I can't
move the sensor position closer to close down the detection range and
I don't really want to start laying cables to a remote mounted sensor
before anyone suggests that!
Does anybody know of UK source for a PIR that will detect at these
sort of distances?


"dave" <> wrote in message
We have a large garden and need a PIR unit (or preferably all in one
unit/light) that will cover to the bottom of the garden. All the units
from the usual suspects (B&Q, RS etc) seem to have a range of no
better than 15m whereas I require detection at about 25/30m. I can't
move the sensor position closer to close down the detection range and
I don't really want to start laying cables to a remote mounted sensor
before anyone suggests that!
Does anybody know of UK source for a PIR that will detect at these
sort of distances?
I know this doesn't answer the question but - before you go ahead, a sensor
so sensitive that it will pick up an intruder at 25m will pick up anything
at all closer (birds, cats etc). You may have to put up with an inordinate
number of false alarms.

Bob Mannix
(anti-spam is as easy as 1-2-3 - not)
"dave" <> wrote in message
We have a large garden and need a PIR unit (or preferably all in one
unit/light) that will cover to the bottom of the garden. All the units
from the usual suspects (B&Q, RS etc) seem to have a range of no
better than 15m whereas I require detection at about 25/30m. I can't
move the sensor position closer to close down the detection range and
I don't really want to start laying cables to a remote mounted sensor
before anyone suggests that!
Does anybody know of UK source for a PIR that will detect at these
sort of distances?

You would be better off with a beam at the top and a reflector on the wall
at the bottom of the garden. Over a garden of that length a passive sensor
will mean the light / alarm will be active all the time because of bushes /
animals etc.
Hi Dave,

If you use a high sensitivity sensor that will detect people at 30M it will
detect leaves and bugs that are closer. You will end up with a lot of false
alarms and have to turn the sensitivity down to stop them.

If you don't want to run a wire take a look at wireless PIR sensors like

Note Not all are battery powered.


"dave" <> wrote in message
We have a large garden and need a PIR unit (or preferably all in one
unit/light) that will cover to the bottom of the garden. All the units
from the usual suspects (B&Q, RS etc) seem to have a range of no
better than 15m whereas I require detection at about 25/30m. I can't
move the sensor position closer to close down the detection range and
I don't really want to start laying cables to a remote mounted sensor
before anyone suggests that!
Does anybody know of UK source for a PIR that will detect at these
sort of distances?


"dave" <> wrote in message
We have a large garden and need a PIR unit (or preferably all in one
unit/light) that will cover to the bottom of the garden. All the units
from the usual suspects (B&Q, RS etc) seem to have a range of no
better than 15m whereas I require detection at about 25/30m. I can't
move the sensor position closer to close down the detection range and
I don't really want to start laying cables to a remote mounted sensor
before anyone suggests that!
Does anybody know of UK source for a PIR that will detect at these
sort of distances?


Do you really need to cover the whole distance ? A standard unit can be
turned upside down to make it detect at a longer distance, and the PIR
itself can be angled to make the detection area further away by turning the
lens cover upside down as well.

Looking at the pattern diagram on you instruction sheet, you should see that
the detector is set into zones. These zones are set to look downward by the
lens cover on the PIR, so when the cover is turned upside down, it make the
zones look upward. This pattern combined with angling the PIR further down
than you normally would, is enough to increase the range by a good few

If it is possible to remove the detector from the light fitting, then give
this method a try before going off to buy new systems.


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"dave" <> wrote in message
We have a large garden and need a PIR unit (or preferably all in one
unit/light) that will cover to the bottom of the garden. All the units
from the usual suspects (B&Q, RS etc) seem to have a range of no
better than 15m whereas I require detection at about 25/30m. I can't
move the sensor position closer to close down the detection range and
I don't really want to start laying cables to a remote mounted sensor
before anyone suggests that!
Does anybody know of UK source for a PIR that will detect at these
sort of distances?



I put a fluorescent light (2-9 watt tubes) on top of my chimney. I used a
standard pir from a home store and turned it upside down. My back wall is 20
is meters from the light and the light is 10 meters off the ground.
(roughly). My intention was go get movement from the wall to turn on the
light. When the neighbors cat does his thing the light turns on every time.
Just a cheap solution, try it, might help

Welcome to

