Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun
I saw a bag of 1000 BC338 transistors on Ebay about ready for the
bidding to end, and they were going for only $11.50, so I bid on them
thinking that surely someone would outbid me. But they didn't! So
now I'm the buyer of 1000 for only $12.50 plus $4 s&h, about a penny
and a half each. Like I now have a lifetime supply of BC338s. Said
they were new, and pic showed them in a labeled bag, but they might
still be picked over and have low gain or whatever.
I have to figure out how to use these up in my LED flashlights.
They're about the same as a 2N4401, except capable of a bit more
collector current. The BC337s I've been using work well, so I think
I'll have a lotta uses for them. Oh, well..
###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at> hotmail.com
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half).
http://www.everybookstore.com You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html
bidding to end, and they were going for only $11.50, so I bid on them
thinking that surely someone would outbid me. But they didn't! So
now I'm the buyer of 1000 for only $12.50 plus $4 s&h, about a penny
and a half each. Like I now have a lifetime supply of BC338s. Said
they were new, and pic showed them in a labeled bag, but they might
still be picked over and have low gain or whatever.
I have to figure out how to use these up in my LED flashlights.
They're about the same as a 2N4401, except capable of a bit more
collector current. The BC337s I've been using work well, so I think
I'll have a lotta uses for them. Oh, well..
###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at> hotmail.com
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half).
http://www.everybookstore.com You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html