ucn4202 for vixen d1d step motor controller



I am looking for datasheet on UCN4202.

I found :
-this description on the net :
UCN4202 N104202 16 Driver and Tran. Stepper Mot
- a book with an exemple with the ucn4202 :
Robotics, Mechatronics, and Artificial Intelligence: Experimental
Circuit Blocks for Designers by Newton C. Braga (Author)
(Block 121: Complete Stepper Motor Control Using the UCN4202
....................... page 150)

Could someone help me, thanks
In article <3FD78C28.9030208@free.fr>, KH <gkevg@free.fr> wrote:
I am looking for datasheet on UCN4202.

I found :
-this description on the net :
UCN4202 N104202 16 Driver and Tran. Stepper Mot
- a book with an exemple with the ucn4202 :
Robotics, Mechatronics, and Artificial Intelligence: Experimental
Circuit Blocks for Designers by Newton C. Braga (Author)
(Block 121: Complete Stepper Motor Control Using the UCN4202
....................... page 150)

Could someone help me, thanks
Got a round tuit, (I finally dug the old Sprague databook out of the pile).

ftp://ftp.eskimo.com/u/m/mzenier/UCN4202A.pdf or something like that.
263k bytes

Mark Zenier mzenier@eskimo.com Washington State resident

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