I am using the following code to test the Ken Chapman's UART. When I
run the following code and see the FIFO data at the 'command'
I do not get 'A' as intended by the design. Instead, I get some other
bit patterns that doesn't make sense. Can anyone see what I am doing
wrong with the testbench. Also, I am assuming that I do not need to
tamper with the underlying Ken Chapman UART!
module behavioural_UART_Tx
#(parameter bit_time = 104000) // nanoseconds @ 9600 bps
(output reg line);
line = 1'b1; // line idles true
task send(input [7:0] data);
reg [9:0] uart_frame;
// construct the whole frame with start and stop bit
// STOP data START
uart_frame = {1'b1, data, 1'b0};
repeat (10) // number of bit-symbols to send
line = uart_frame[0]; // drive line to correct level
uart_frame = uart_frame >> 1; // prepare next bit
#(bit_time); // hold output for one bit time
module TB;
wire line;
// And any other signals you need for your DUT
// such as clock, reset, data-bus...
reg clk;
reg xreset;
wire buffer_full;
wire present;
wire baud;
wire [7:0] command;
// And any clock generators, etc...
// declared inside RX and TX module
always #3.2 clk = ~clk; //155.52 Mhz input
// Here's the UART signal generator...
behavioural_UART_Tx DUT0(.line(line));
Top_Rx DUT1(
.read_buffer_rx(1'b0), //read buffer enabled
baud_timer DUT2(
initial begin: StimGen
// Hang around for a while...
clk = 0;
//reset_buffer = 1;
xreset = 1;
#50 xreset = 0;
// Use the Tx model to send a few characters to the DUT:
DUT0.send("B"); //reset device
// Idle awhile:
// Send a newline character (LF = 10)
run the following code and see the FIFO data at the 'command'
I do not get 'A' as intended by the design. Instead, I get some other
bit patterns that doesn't make sense. Can anyone see what I am doing
wrong with the testbench. Also, I am assuming that I do not need to
tamper with the underlying Ken Chapman UART!
module behavioural_UART_Tx
#(parameter bit_time = 104000) // nanoseconds @ 9600 bps
(output reg line);
line = 1'b1; // line idles true
task send(input [7:0] data);
reg [9:0] uart_frame;
// construct the whole frame with start and stop bit
// STOP data START
uart_frame = {1'b1, data, 1'b0};
repeat (10) // number of bit-symbols to send
line = uart_frame[0]; // drive line to correct level
uart_frame = uart_frame >> 1; // prepare next bit
#(bit_time); // hold output for one bit time
module TB;
wire line;
// And any other signals you need for your DUT
// such as clock, reset, data-bus...
reg clk;
reg xreset;
wire buffer_full;
wire present;
wire baud;
wire [7:0] command;
// And any clock generators, etc...
// declared inside RX and TX module
always #3.2 clk = ~clk; //155.52 Mhz input
// Here's the UART signal generator...
behavioural_UART_Tx DUT0(.line(line));
Top_Rx DUT1(
.read_buffer_rx(1'b0), //read buffer enabled
baud_timer DUT2(
initial begin: StimGen
// Hang around for a while...
clk = 0;
//reset_buffer = 1;
xreset = 1;
#50 xreset = 0;
// Use the Tx model to send a few characters to the DUT:
DUT0.send("B"); //reset device
// Idle awhile:
// Send a newline character (LF = 10)