I'm trying to learn VHDL and here I'm adding a parity bit to Ben
Cohen's UART Receiver. RxReg(9) is incoming parity bit from
transmitter side. A 0 output at Parity_err means no parity error
detected and otherwise. The receiver has to match the incoming parity
bit with its own parity bit which is calculated using XOR of its data
byte, RxReg(8 downto 0). My statement below is giving me a full byte
delay because my control statements for the parity check. I think it's
because of the process statement, but that's all I can think of now.
can someone let me know how to fix this?
library IEEE;
-- Project : ATEP
-- File name : uartrx.vhd
-- Title : UART Receiver
-- Description : UART receiver selection
-- Revisions :
-- Date Author Revision
-- Sat Oct 30 10:05:49 1994 cohen Rev A Creation
entity UartRx_Nty is
port (Clk16xT : in std_logic; -- 16 of these clocks per
ResetF : in std_logic;
Serial_InT : in std_logic;
DataRdyT : out boolean;
DataOuT : out std_logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
Parity_err : out std_logic; -- Parity Error Output
BitClkT : out std_logic); -- same speed clock as Tx
end UartRx_Nty;
architecture UartRx_Beh of UartRx_Nty is
subtype Int0to15_Typ is integer range 0 to 15;
constant RxInit_c : std_logic_Vector(10 downto 0) := "11111111111";
signal RxReg_s : std_logic_Vector(10 downto 0); -- the receive
signal Count16_s : Int0to15_Typ; -- for divide by 16
signal RxMT_s : boolean; -- Receive register empty
signal RxIn_s : std_logic; -- registered
serial input
signal Parity_Reg : std_logic;
begin -- UartRx_Beh
-- Process: Xmit_Lbl
-- Purpose: Models the receive portion of a UART.
-- Operation is as follows:
-- . All operations occur on rising edge of Clk16xT.
-- . Clk16xT runs 16x the bit clock rate
-- . If ResetF = '0' then
-- RxReg_s is reset to "11111111111".
-- Count_s is reset to 0.
-- . If (RxMT_s and RxIn_s = '0') then
-- Start of new byte
-- . If Count16_s = 7 and not RxMT_s then -- mid
-- Sample here where bit most stable
-- RxReg_s <= RxIn_s & RxReg_s(9 downto 1);
-- . Entire byte received when
-- not RxMT_s and RxReg_s(9) = '1' and RxReg_s(0) =
Rx_Lbl : process
begin -- process Rx_Lbl
wait until Clk16xT'event and Clk16xT = '1';
-- Clock serial input into RxIn_s
RxIn_s <= Serial_InT;
-- reset
if (ResetF = '0') then
Count16_s <= 0; -- reset divide by 16
RxMT_s <= true; -- no message starting;
RxReg_s <= RxInit_c;
-- new bit start
elsif (RxMT_s and RxIn_s = '0') then
Count16_s <= 0; -- reset divide by 16
RxMT_s <= false; -- new message starting
RxReg_s <= RxInit_c;
-- If in a receive transaction mode
-- if @ mid bit clock then clock data into register
elsif Count16_s = 7 and not RxMT_s then -- mid clock
RxReg_s <= RxIn_s & RxReg_s(10 downto 1);
Count16_s <= Count16_s + 1;
-- if @ 16X clock rollover
elsif Count16_s = 15 then
Count16_s <= 0;
-- Normal count16 counter increment
Count16_s <= Count16_s + 1;
end if;
Check Control
-- Check if a data word is received
if not RxMT_s and RxReg_s(10) = '1' and RxReg_s(0) = '0' then
Parity_reg = ((RxReg_s(1) xor RxReg_s(2)) xor (RxReg_s(3) xor
RxReg_s(4))) xor ((RxReg_s(5) xor RxReg_s(6)) xor (RxReg_s(7) xor
if Parity_reg /= RxReg_s(9) then
Parity_err <= '1';
Parity_err <= '0';
end if;
DataRdyT <= true;
RxMT_s <= true;
DataRdyT <= false;
end if;
end process Rx_Lbl;
-- Concurrent signal assignment for BitClkT and DataOut
BitClkT <= '1' when Count16_s = 10
else '0';
DataOuT <= RxReg_s(8 downto 1);
end UartRx_Beh;
I'm trying to learn VHDL and here I'm adding a parity bit to Ben
Cohen's UART Receiver. RxReg(9) is incoming parity bit from
transmitter side. A 0 output at Parity_err means no parity error
detected and otherwise. The receiver has to match the incoming parity
bit with its own parity bit which is calculated using XOR of its data
byte, RxReg(8 downto 0). My statement below is giving me a full byte
delay because my control statements for the parity check. I think it's
because of the process statement, but that's all I can think of now.
can someone let me know how to fix this?
library IEEE;
-- Project : ATEP
-- File name : uartrx.vhd
-- Title : UART Receiver
-- Description : UART receiver selection
-- Revisions :
-- Date Author Revision
-- Sat Oct 30 10:05:49 1994 cohen Rev A Creation
entity UartRx_Nty is
port (Clk16xT : in std_logic; -- 16 of these clocks per
ResetF : in std_logic;
Serial_InT : in std_logic;
DataRdyT : out boolean;
DataOuT : out std_logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
Parity_err : out std_logic; -- Parity Error Output
BitClkT : out std_logic); -- same speed clock as Tx
end UartRx_Nty;
architecture UartRx_Beh of UartRx_Nty is
subtype Int0to15_Typ is integer range 0 to 15;
constant RxInit_c : std_logic_Vector(10 downto 0) := "11111111111";
signal RxReg_s : std_logic_Vector(10 downto 0); -- the receive
signal Count16_s : Int0to15_Typ; -- for divide by 16
signal RxMT_s : boolean; -- Receive register empty
signal RxIn_s : std_logic; -- registered
serial input
signal Parity_Reg : std_logic;
begin -- UartRx_Beh
-- Process: Xmit_Lbl
-- Purpose: Models the receive portion of a UART.
-- Operation is as follows:
-- . All operations occur on rising edge of Clk16xT.
-- . Clk16xT runs 16x the bit clock rate
-- . If ResetF = '0' then
-- RxReg_s is reset to "11111111111".
-- Count_s is reset to 0.
-- . If (RxMT_s and RxIn_s = '0') then
-- Start of new byte
-- . If Count16_s = 7 and not RxMT_s then -- mid
-- Sample here where bit most stable
-- RxReg_s <= RxIn_s & RxReg_s(9 downto 1);
-- . Entire byte received when
-- not RxMT_s and RxReg_s(9) = '1' and RxReg_s(0) =
Rx_Lbl : process
begin -- process Rx_Lbl
wait until Clk16xT'event and Clk16xT = '1';
-- Clock serial input into RxIn_s
RxIn_s <= Serial_InT;
-- reset
if (ResetF = '0') then
Count16_s <= 0; -- reset divide by 16
RxMT_s <= true; -- no message starting;
RxReg_s <= RxInit_c;
-- new bit start
elsif (RxMT_s and RxIn_s = '0') then
Count16_s <= 0; -- reset divide by 16
RxMT_s <= false; -- new message starting
RxReg_s <= RxInit_c;
-- If in a receive transaction mode
-- if @ mid bit clock then clock data into register
elsif Count16_s = 7 and not RxMT_s then -- mid clock
RxReg_s <= RxIn_s & RxReg_s(10 downto 1);
Count16_s <= Count16_s + 1;
-- if @ 16X clock rollover
elsif Count16_s = 15 then
Count16_s <= 0;
-- Normal count16 counter increment
Count16_s <= Count16_s + 1;
end if;
Check Control
-- Check if a data word is received
if not RxMT_s and RxReg_s(10) = '1' and RxReg_s(0) = '0' then
Parity_reg = ((RxReg_s(1) xor RxReg_s(2)) xor (RxReg_s(3) xor
RxReg_s(4))) xor ((RxReg_s(5) xor RxReg_s(6)) xor (RxReg_s(7) xor
if Parity_reg /= RxReg_s(9) then
Parity_err <= '1';
Parity_err <= '0';
end if;
DataRdyT <= true;
RxMT_s <= true;
DataRdyT <= false;
end if;
end process Rx_Lbl;
-- Concurrent signal assignment for BitClkT and DataOut
BitClkT <= '1' when Count16_s = 10
else '0';
DataOuT <= RxReg_s(8 downto 1);
end UartRx_Beh;