Weaam Attallah
Hi All,
I am writing a VHDL code that uses type conversion functions from std_logic to vl_logic,I have created
the conversions functions properly, the code is as follows:
entity trial is
end trial;
architecture behave of trail is
component verilog_inv
a: inout vl_logic;
b: out vl_logic
end component;
signal \N$2\ : std_logic;
inst : verilog_inv
port map(
to_stdlogic(a) => \N$2\;
end behave;
when compiling this code using MODELSIM 5.7 , I got this compilation error:
"Type error in variable \N$2\. Needed type vl_logic."
when I changed port map to "to_stdlogic(a) => to_vllogic(\N$2\);"
it compiled successfully..Does anyone have explanation for this error?
I am writing a VHDL code that uses type conversion functions from std_logic to vl_logic,I have created
the conversions functions properly, the code is as follows:
entity trial is
end trial;
architecture behave of trail is
component verilog_inv
a: inout vl_logic;
b: out vl_logic
end component;
signal \N$2\ : std_logic;
inst : verilog_inv
port map(
to_stdlogic(a) => \N$2\;
end behave;
when compiling this code using MODELSIM 5.7 , I got this compilation error:
"Type error in variable \N$2\. Needed type vl_logic."
when I changed port map to "to_stdlogic(a) => to_vllogic(\N$2\);"
it compiled successfully..Does anyone have explanation for this error?